

As Myanmar enters a new era, Washington and Beijing vie for influence

  Myanmar is a country rapidly moving toward uncharted political terrain. By March 2016, the National League for Democracy (NLD) will take power for the first time in history, bringing an end to five decades of rule by the military establishment. Once…

Europe Is Disintegrating While Its Citizens Watch Indifferent

Human Wrongs Watch By Roberto Savio* Rome, 4 February 2016 – We are witnessing the slow agony of the dream of European integration, disintegrating without a single demonstration occurring anywhere, among its 500 millions of citizens. It is clear that…

Cameron at large: Want Not to Become a Terrorist? Speak Fluent English!

Human Wrongs Watch By Baher Kamal* Cairo, 4 February 2016 (IPS) – “Do you speak English fluently? No? Then you risk to become a terrorist!.” IPS posed this dilemma to some young Muslim women living in Cairo, while explaining that…

VIDEO: Yanis Varoufakis – The Origins of the European & Global Economic Crisis

In this video, acTVism Munich interviews Yanis Varoufakis, a world renowned economist who was a former member of the Greek parliament. He gained immense popularity when he served as finance minister (27 January 2015 – 6 July 2015) for the Greek…

Suu Kyi calmly takes the stage

“Burma was brimming with anticipation as its legislative hue changed suddenly from green to red on Monday. After decades of effort, the National League for Democracy (NLD) assumed a majority of the Union Parliament, leaving hopes at an all-time high…

Humanist Party of Uruguay – position paper

  POSITION ON THE CURRENT SITUATION, THE REPRESSION and THE FIGHT OF THE OPPRESSED. We are in a world that develops systems of social oppression and these are ever increasing, producing violence in all its forms. In some places this…

European Governments Step Up Offensive against Refugees

Human Wrongs Watch By Marianne Arens* 28 January 2016 (WSWS) – At a meeting in Amsterdam this week, European interior and justice ministers sought to outdo each other with suggestions as to how the influx of desperate refugees from the Middle…

U.S. vs. Them: Trump, presidential politics & the Middle East

Dr. Michael Izady Interviewed by Russell Whitehouse Dr. Michael Izady has been a professor of history and political science since 1991 at various European& Ivy League universities, and has providedin-depth lectures on the Middle East for NATO and US military…

WEF 2016: Robot dances for basic income

With its world premier taking place in Davos: The first non-human participant attended the World Economic Forum. “Dancing robot” advertised for an Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) as a solution for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution. Switzerland will be…

What about Syria?

The defeat of Syria , will accomplish a long US´ goal: to get rid of the Russian military seabase in Tartus, at the Syrian coast. The MediterannianSea shall be a US Lake´-full stop! The grand plan is to take over…

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