

Congratulations to Iranians for the 60% voter turnout

Hi folks, My interview with conservative Iranian publication Javan was published today.- it touches on the shifts in regional alliances as ground developments change the face of the Mideast. Iran and Russia – who would have thought? Tension on the…

Nei­ther war nor state of war

Pub­li­ca­tion : 15 février 2016 By Ben Cramer for Athena21 France was at war long before the attacks on Novem­ber 13. How­ever, those attacks have greatly served as a pre­text to inten­sify mil­i­tary oper­a­tions. Since the begin­ning of the 21st…

Refugee crisis: People’s safety or border security?

The latest developments at a local and international level to address the refugee crisis in a successful way have triggered many concerns in those who are actively involved with the issue and also in civil society. Refugees and migrants travelling…

UK weapons sales to Saudi Arabia clash with the EU over Yemen

Almost at the same time that the European Parliament was declaring a ban on arms sales to Saudi Arabia in protest for the indiscriminate bombing of Yemen’s civilians – after the UN raised the issue (1) – David Cameron, UK…

Iran’s elections and the nuclear deal

Iran’s elections and the nuclear deal By Dr. Farhang Jahanpour TFF Board member Two general elections are to be held in Iran this coming Friday the 26th – to the parliament (Majles) for the next 4 years and to the Assembly of…

Varoufakis in London joins Compass panel

What is the future of Europe? In a panel conference organised by Compass (Think tank created in 2003 to discuss the left wing agenda) at the LSE (London School of Economics) Yanis Varoufakis, Academic, economist and former Syriza Finance Minister…

VIDEO: Noam Chomsky on Corporate Media and Activism

In this interview, which was recorded on February 17, 2016, in an event hosted by acTVism Munich called “Germany’s role in the European Union and International Affairs: Post War History, Present and Possible futures“, Prof. Noam Chomsky talks about the…

The Death of the Republican Party

I’m writing to you today to announce the death of the Republican Party. It is no longer a living, vital, animate organization. It died in 2016. RIP. From the blog of Robert Reich It has been replaced by warring tribes:…

Syria: Medvedev warns USA-Saudi-Turkey against ground troop moves

“If Arab forces entered the Syrian war they could spark a new world war,” Medvedev warned – speaking to Handelsblatt February 11, 2016, adding, “Ground offensives usually lead to wars becoming permanent”. ZeroHedge reported his further comments on its website.…

USA: 5 reasons the Top Tax Rate should be 80%

It came up in the Republican debate again, the curious notion that striving for less inequality is somehow a form of “class warfare.” The implication is that the richest people earned everything they have through their own initiative and hard…

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