

Rights of Nature—Why Do We Need It? 1

Por Mumta Ito Our planet Earth in its present mode of fluorescence is being devastated. This devastation is being fostered and protected by legal, political and economic establishments that exalt the human community while offering no protection to the nonhuman…

Democracy and decentralisation are their watchwords

For Corbyn and McDonnell, it’s municipal socialism reinvented By JOE GUINAN and THOMAS HANNA 25 March 2016 for OpenDemocracy Corbyn and McDonnell’s vision of decentralised public ownership comes from a long and popular tradition. Labour’s leaders are creating a new…

Glenn Greenwald: Is it a coup?

What is happening in Brazil is much worse than Donald Trump   Brazil is facing its worst political crisis in over two decades as opponents of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff attempt to impeach her on corruption charges. But Rousseff is…

Remaking Hong Kong – from the bottom up!

In Hong Kong the entire territory is sectioned into district councils but these have limited powers over local affairs, with residents only able to vote into office councillors with very limited briefs which results in local attitudes of uncaring as…

Brussels terrorists planned nuclear plants attack…

…changed target after accomplice’s arrest – report Brussels suicide bombers Khalid and Ibrahim El Bakraoui were planning attacks on Belgian nuclear power stations, Dernier Heure newspaper has reported. The newspaper exclusively reported that the arrest of Paris attacker Salah Abdeslam…

The Unwavering Dignity of the Cuban Revolution Has Won

They can try to say what they want, but the Cuban Revolution continues to triumph against U.S. interference despite the decades-long blockade and the Cuban Adjustment Act (among other things). And since it’s time to say things clearly, let’s begin…

The Unwavering Dignity of the Cuban Revolution Has Won

They can try to say what they want, but the Cuban Revolution continues to triumph against U.S. interference despite the decades-long blockade and the Cuban Adjustment Act (among other things). And since it’s time to say things clearly, let’s begin…

The slow, inevitable collapse of the two-party system

 In this election year, it’s clear that a seismic political shift is rumbling through America.  Widespread discontent for the status quo is surfacing from both the left and right.  A year ago, it would have been impossible to envision a…

Pressenza editors endorse DiEM25

Pressenza editors from 6 different language editions today expressed their endorsement of the Democracy in Europe 2025 campaign on the eve of the official launch of the project to an Italian audience in Rome.  The endorsement, which is published in…

The Great Game & the partition of Syria

Russia’s decision to greatly reduce its military presence in Syria, coming as it did with little warning, has left the world struggling for explanations. Russia is to maintain a military presence at its naval base in Tartous and at the…

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