

Cristina, my love

I’m not a feminist, neither red, nor leftist, nor revolutionary. I know very well where I do belong: I am a pariah and Cristina is my love. As well as Mercedes Sosa, Dilma, Evita and Violetona Parra. And as a…

Over Seventy Prominent Scholars and Activists Call on Obama to Take Concrete Action in Hiroshima

WASHINGTON, DC – Over seventy prominent scholars and activists, including Oliver Stone, Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg, signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to visit with Hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors, and to announce concrete steps toward nuclear disarmament when…

Brazil – Call it a ‘Coup’

 Leaked transcripts detail how elite orchestrated overthrow in Brazil Revelations detail ‘national pact’ between government, military, and oil executives By McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams  Confirming suspicions that the ouster of Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is, in fact, a coup designed…

‘I respect the historic fact’ says Taiwan’s new President Tsai Ing-wen

With that seemingly innocuous announcement the new president shows she is cautiously striking a balance between asserting the island’s independence and giving a bow to the Beijing government’s stand on the One China issue, which is, there is only one…

Kim’s offer ignored while USA-Japan-South Korea plan war games

Japan, U.S. and South Korea will hold anti-missile exercise in June, being their first joint military training exercise with the focus on cooperation to detect signs of missile launches by North Korea, a Seoul defense official said to the press…

The Sanders Voter: protesting American privilege at home and abroad

by Peter Bloom for Common Dreams Even as Sanders “path to victory” increasingly narrows, the passion for his candidacy grows in intensity. Recent victories in Indiana and Oregon reflect the continuing desire for a progressive alternative to Clinton and Centrist…

Sanders Wins Oregon, Kentucky Too Close to Call

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday was declared the winner of the Democratic Party primary in Oregon. And in Kentucky, The Associated Press said the outcome was too close to call. “This is the beginning of the final push to…

The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the World

No presidential candidate who does not call for the end of bipartisan militarist aggression can stem the domestic descent into social brutalization. If none calls this foreign policy debacle “imperialism,” elections will be a sleepwalker’s exercise. Nothing will change. Except,…

Democrats Vote in Kentucky, Oregon; Sanders Supporters Protest Nevada Results

Democratic voters head to the polls in Kentucky and Oregon today. The primaries come after supporters of Bernie Sanders protested procedures they saw as favoring Hillary Clinton at the Nevada convention over the weekend. Back in February, initial results in…

Dilma, unbreakable

“We should have killed her,” her torturers will have repeated hundreds of times to themselves when they saw her becoming Brazil’s first woman president. Or they would have wanted cancer to make her disappear from the political scene, just like…

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