

Argentina: not to be mistaken for a nightmare, this is reality

Argentina’s cities are rapidly losing their traditional vertigo. A strident, lethargic, lethargic silence survives. The euphoria of winning the World Cup is over, although the media still insist that the Argentinians “are world champions”. The people are aware that nothing…

Chile, Tomás Hirsch: “The victory of the No vote in the constitutional referendum is a cause for relief”.

The draft constitution drawn up by the right was rejected yesterday with more than 55% of the vote. We have requested Tomas Hirsch, Deputy Hirsch, president of Humanist Action, to comment on the referendum result. The triumph of the No…

Year 2023 in review for Latin American and the Caribbean: Contesting a still dominant US hegemon

December 2nd marked the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine, which proclaimed US dominion over Latin America and the Caribbean. Left-leaning governments in the hemisphere have had to contest a decadent but still dominant USA. Challenges in the past year…

Myanmar needs holistic reforms to avert crisis

On January 31, 1949, the Karen National Union launched a revolt that marked the start of the war in Myanmar. Following 112 days of combat, the Myanmar Army routed the Karen National Defence Organisation in May 1949 and retook control…

NYC: Rally to Demand Passage of the Move the Money Resolution

The Move the Money–NYC Coalition and Council Member Carlina Rivera will hold a rally in support of Resolution 423-2022 calling on Congress and the President to move significant funds away from the military budget to fund social services. It also…

How to move from a legal prohibition, that of the TPNW, to an effective, total and irreversible elimination of nuclear weapons

How to move from a legal prohibition, that of the TPNW, to an effective, total, and irreversible elimination of nuclear weapons (1) [Achieving] this from the progress emerged in the 2nd Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW (Treaty on…

Joint statement by activists and organisations against the signing of the Chile-EU Treaty

Stop Colonial Plunder! Joint Statement Against the signing of the Chile-EU Treaty Organisations, politicians and activists from the European Union and Chile signed a joint declaration promoted by Chile Mejor sin TLC, Against the Chile/European Union Treaty, signed on 13/Dec…

The more violence dominates, the more necessary humanism becomes.

Just before Chile lives its second ratifying vote on the Constitution, we talk to Efren Osorio, Secretary General of the Humanist Action party. Efren welcomes us in his office and smiles when we mention how accurate his political and electoral…

A violent approach to violence will not bring peace

The ineffective way of tackling crime Citizen security has become a state issue for democratic governments, and one that has historically been negatively evaluated by citizens, who also consider that the current administration, regardless of political colour, fails to deal…

Chile votes against corporate politicians

On the verge of the end of the formula that explicitly violates the decision expressed at the ballot box, the political elite, who had already betrayed the people, did not want to get their hands on the issue that gave…

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