

How war dehumanises everyone it touches

All acts of mass murder are crimes against humanity, and require a gross debasing of other people. Paul Tritschler 19 October 2016 for opeenDemocracy On a recent visit to one of my favourite haunts in London, Gloucester Books, I flicked…

Mayors seek “a seat at the global table”

By Santiago Bolaños. In the context of the Habitat III conference that finished today in Quito, Ecuador, mayors from different parts of the world presented the initiative “A seat at the Global Table”.  In the event the mayors sought to…


By David Swanson The 2016 Republican presidential primary was rigged. It wasn’t rigged by the Republicans, the Democrats, Russians, space aliens, or voters. It was rigged by the owners of television networks who believed that giving one candidate far more…

EU trade ministers postpone decision on CETA

The European Union decided to postpone its final decision on the CETA free trade agreement with Canada. A number of member states, chiefly Belgium and Romania, had earlier expressed concerns about CETA. EU trade ministers in Luxembourg failed to agree…

Spain “Without Government”–And Then What?

Johan Galtung Democracy is rule with consent of the ruled; of all by dialogue, of majority by voting.  Parliamentarism is government with parliament consent by all or by majority; and voter consent by proportionality. In one week the Spanish illegitimacy…

Leaked Emails Show Clinton Campaign Struggling to Address Sanders’s Popularity

Another round of newly leaked emails show how Hillary Clinton’s campaign struggled to deal with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’s popularity during the primary season. The emails, released by WikiLeaks, appear to come from the account of Clinton campaign chairperson John…

Russia and the west: risks of hype

An inflated view of Russia’s power, influenced by its role in Syria, could hasten further destructive conflict. By Paul Rogers 6 October 2016 for OpenDemocracy The assaults on rebel-held districts of Aleppo by Russian and Syrian government forces have been…

Germany to pay convicted gays 30 million euros

Germany is to compensate more than 50,000 men who were jailed for their sexual orientation under an old law. Paragraph 175 continued to be applied until the late 1960s. The plans, which will see 30 million euros ($33.6 million) set…

The Trade Charade

DONALD TRUMP probably thinks he won the first presidential debate more than anyone has ever won anything, but everyone else knows he was horrible–except for the opening minutes when he went after Hillary Clinton for her husband Bill’s promotion of…

Behind the NO Vote in Colombia

Everyone is trying to understand what happened in the referendum to ratify the Colombian peace agreement. A few questions immediately come to mind. Why did so few people vote (only 32%) and why did 50.2% vote NO to a peace…

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