

Support, sarcasm after Merkel calls for banning burqas

Populist politicians have reacted with skepticism to Angela Merkel’s endorsement of a ban on face-covering garments worn by some Muslim women. The Christian Democrats once again made her their candidate for chancellor. Angela Merkel attacked Germany’s right-wing populists Tuesday –…

Trump appointed Secretary of Defense accused Israel of practicing apartheid.

Let’s see if Israel lobbies will try to intimidate even James Mattis, the Trump appointed Secretary of Defense, or whether they will just have to swallow this defeat. Reproduced with permit by Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) |  The interview of…

Italian referendum: NO to the dictatorship of finance!

What do Brexit, Trump, and “NO” in the Italian referendum have in common? Simple: all three repudiate  omnivorous global finance! The very finance that sadistically destroyed Greece according to the precept “punish one to educate a hundred”. By ravaging Greece beyond all rational…

Austria rejects the far-right path

Austrian presidential elections: After the third election the more decent candidate, Alexander van der Bellen, finally won. In Austria, the Federal President is directly elected by the people in contrast to other countries. The office of the Federal President is,…

Trump Issues Support for $3.8 Billion Dakota Access Pipeline

Donald Trump has expressed his support for the completion of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline, which has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux, representatives from more than 200 indigenous nations from across the Americas and thousands…

How the Media Iced Out Bernie Sanders & Helped Donald Trump Win

By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan We hadn’t seen Bernie Sanders in Philadelphia since last July, when he watched his primary opponent, Hillary Clinton, win the Democratic Party’s nomination. Sanders joined the “Democracy Now!” news hour this week at the…

The Forms of Power

In a result predicted by nobody, Trump won. The polls were wrong, as has become commonplace over the last five years, and the “most powerful nation on Earth” will now be governed by a multimillionaire, populist xenophobe – and all…

Jill Stein: Recounts are Necessary

Former presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein is continuing her efforts to force recounts in three states – Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan – saying that electronic voting invites tampering, hacking and human error. On Tuesday the effort faced a setback as…

San Francisco’s Official Response to the Election of Trump

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors recently passed a resolution, introduced by Board President London Breed, in response to the election of Donald Trump. The resolution reads as follows: WHEREAS, On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected to become…

Sanders on Trump: We Need to Think Every Day How to Mobilize People to Defeat This Horrific Agenda

In the wake of Donald Trump’s election victory, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has vowed to fight against Trump’s proposed policies to build a wall across the entire length of the U.S.-Mexico border, to reinstate a database for immigrants from majority-Muslim…

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