

Indebtedness suffocates developing countries

A few hours before the end of 2023, the World Bank (WB) showed the scandalous figures paid by developing countries in debt service payments, an issue that has undoubtedly affected the attention to critical needs. By Teyuné Díaz Díaz Health,…

Ecuador: A brief review of 2023

Ecuador closes 2023 in an unprecedented economic, institutional, and psychosocial crisis, governed by economic elites under a catastrophic neoliberal model and surrounded by drug trafficking. It was the country’s “most violent year in history”, with more than 7,500 violent deaths,…

Mega deal between SQM and Codelco for lithium: Chilean State will own 50% plus 1%.

This agreement ensures the continuity of the production of lithium and other substances and broadens the scope of Codelco’s participation in the global challenge of energy transition, taking advantage of the opportunities generated by the intensive use of copper and…

U.S., Japan’s record defense budgets intensifying geopolitical rivalry

Japan and the U.S. have adopted record-breaking defense budgets for 2024, with Japan accepting a 16-percent rise in military spending, and the U.S. authorizing $886 billion in annual military expenditure, which totals $28 billion higher than it did for the…

Politics, a lucrative investment

It is a well-known fact that the left is always divided, just as the right also tends to express itself in very belligerent alternatives to each other, although finally they unite and converge to participate in elections or overthrow governments.…

The main thing is “the hope of the people”.

On social networks and in the media, an endless amount of bad news appears every day, in which we can see the most heartbreaking war misdeeds. This can lead us to the false idea that the world is lost. However,…

Right-Wing Extremism and The Cold War Go Hand-In-Hand

U.S. “ironclad” support for militarism undercuts attempts to curb right-wing terrorism. From white supremacist violence in the West Bank to gendered violence in Olongapo, we can’t defeat at home what we export abroad. In his first month as secretary of…

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

The $1.5 trillion in military outlays each year is the scam that keeps on giving—to the military-industrial complex and the Washington insiders—even as it impoverishes and endangers America and the world. By Jeffrey D. Sachs On the surface, US foreign…

Canada Requires Peace Groups to Support War If They Want Charitable Status

In the United States, if you donate money to World BEYOND War, you can deduct that donation from the amount of money on which you pay taxes to fund the U.S. government, which uses over half of the income taxes it…

Contrasting Strategies of the US and China: Prospects for Peace and Solving Global Problems

Xi Jinping: “It is unrealistic for one side to remodel the other… the planet Earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed.”   Joe Biden: “We will not leave our future vulnerable to the whims of those who do…

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