

Turkey: Crackdown on Kurdish Opposition

The Turkish government has jailed 13 members of the pro-Kurdish democratic opposition in parliament on terrorism charges and taken direct control of 82 municipalities in the Kurdish southeast region, suspending and incarcerating elected mayors, Human Rights Watch said today. The…

World Politics-Economics Right Now

By Johan Galtung The net conclusion? The enormous US imbalance: no longer winning wars, less political clout, economically bankrupt but still powerful, shaping the world culturally. Wise US policy would celebrate the last two; unwise policy would Make America Great…

Next week in Rome: DiEM25’s alternative to “There Is No Alternative”

March 25 is the EU’s 60th birthday, and the leaders of all EU countries will be in Rome on that day to celebrate. What exactly will they be celebrating? Its disintegration, under Brexit and the rise of the Nationalist International,…

Trump’s Budget Counts on Us to Be Dumber Than He

By David Swanson Donald Trump does not always in every way appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed. Yet there is great wisdom to be found in some of his assumptions of stupidity on the part of the…

Tomas Hirsch on Face 2 Face

On this show we discussed with with Tomas Hirsch, founding member of the Humanist Party of Chile and was a Presidential candidate during the 2005 election for the left-wing coalition “Juntos Podemos Más” (Together we can more). Currently, he is…

Dutch PM Rutte’s VVD emerges top in first exit poll

Dutch voters are casting their ballots today in an election that has been billed as a barometer of populism in Europe. DW will keep you informed of events as they happen throughout the day. Welcome to our rolling coverage of…

Asking Foolish Questions about Serious Issues

By Richard Falk When the Clinton campaign started complaining about Russia interfering in US elections by hacking into the DNC I was struck by their excesses of outrage and the virtual absence of any acknowledgement that the United States has…

The Dance of Death

By Chris Hedges The ruling corporate elites no longer seek to build. They seek to destroy. They are agents of death. They crave the unimpeded power to cannibalize the country and pollute and degrade the ecosystem to feed an insatiable…

Video: Richard D. Wolff on Bankruptcy Protection, Debt Jubilee, Students Debt and the Credit System

This video is part 3 of an educational & historical series with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff. In this interview we talk to him about bankruptcy protection,…

Imperialist Wars And Interventions Fuel Refugee Crisis In Africa

By Thomas Gaist Large numbers of persons fleeing war and famine in sub-Saharan Africa are transiting through Libya in a desperate effort to reach Europe, UNICEF reported last week. An estimated 80,000 refugees, including 25,000 children, left Libyan ports in…

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