

House GOP Health Bill Could Put Coverage Out of Reach of Millions

The House of Representatives on Thursday voted narrowly to do away with the Affordable Care Act, replacing it with a healthcare bill that would dramatically roll back Medicaid, provide hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to the wealthy,…

North Korea, the US-UK’s latest target?

Paul Rogers 4 May 2017 for openDemocracy Washington and London’s joint military exercises with Seoul raise questions that should be asked in Britain’s election campaign. An attack on a Nato convoy in Kabul on 3 May killed eight civilians and…

Jackson, MS: Activist Chokwe Antar Lumumba Poised to Become Mayor

In Jackson, Mississippi, social justice activist and attorney Chokwe Antar Lumumba is positioned to become the city’s next mayor, after handily winning a primary election on Tuesday. The 34-year-old Lumumba supports economic democracy and has proposed a civic “incubator fund”…

DiEM25 co-founder Yanis Varoufakis meets with Ecuador’s President-elect Lenín Moreno in official visit

PRESS RELEASE DiEM25 Sunday, April 23 On Sunday, April 23, DiEM25 co-founder, Yanis Varoufakis had a 2-hour meeting with top economic officials of the government (including the Minister of Economic Coordination Mr. Rodrigo Martinez, the Minister of the New Economy…

‘The contraption’ and the future of social democracy: the government experiment in Portugal

Renato Miguel do Carmo and André Barata 1 May 2017 for openDemocracy Something relatively obvious took too long to be explicitly acknowledged in Portuguese democracy: that there are more points of convergence than of divergence among the leftwing parties. We…

May Day 2017: Trample All Forms Of Sectarianism

By Farooque Chowdhury One hundred years ago, the proletariat in Petrograd celebrated the historic May Day in jubilation and honor. “Thousands of people turned out for the 1917 May Day parade. They carried […] banners and posters, which became the…

What I Said at the Peace Hub of the Climate March

Most countries on earth have the U.S. military in them. Most countries on earth burn less fossil fuel than does the U.S. military. And that’s without even calculating how much worse for the climate jet fuel is than other fossil…

Obama’s New Job: Guardian of Official Lies

By Glen Ford “Obama orchestrated what the late Saddam Hussein would have called “The Mother of All Lies.” The ruling class is seriously rattled over its loss of control over the national political narrative — a consequence of capitalism’s terminal…

It takes roots to grow the resistance: National alliances unite hundreds of grassroots organizations with alternative vision

United States – It Takes Roots to Grow the Resistance joins together four powerful alliances of grassroots activists and frontline communities’ leaders: Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, the Climate Justice Alliance, the Right to the City Alliance, and the Indigenous Environmental…

Short Choices: The French Presidential Elections

By Dr. Binoy Kampmark The establishment got another burning in the French elections on Sunday, revealing again that there is no level of voter disgust that will not find some voice in the current range of elections.  The terror for…

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