

We Will Soon Be Using More Than The Earth Can Provide

By David Korten Four days after President Trump announced the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, the Global Footprint Network (GFN) reported that Earth Overshoot Day 2017 will fall on August 2. Most Americans likely have no idea what that means.…

Nobody Wants Trump in Office More Than Democrats

By David Swanson Ordinary people who identify themselves as Democrats have a variety of mostly noble intentions and desires. Elected Democrats in Washington, D.C., are another matter entirely. When voters gave them majorities in Congress in 2006, telling exit pollsters…

Macron: absolute majority in France with 60% abstention

The second round of the French legislative elections seemed like a given. Everything indicated that Emmanuel Macron, the new president would obtain the backing of an overwhelming majority in parliament. 361 deputies out of 577 gives him a very large…

The US and its Climate Change Problem.

By David Andersson A week ago, US President Donald Trump announced his unsurprising decision to remove the US  from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Most of the media ascribed the decision to Trump’s misunderstanding of the issue. Very few…

Don’t Blame the Left for Violence in America

Republicans–and quite a few Democrats–are trying to exploit the mass shooting in Alexandria to demonize left-wing expressions of discontent toward the system. By Danny Katch TWO CONTRADICTORY messages emerged following Wednesday’s mass shooting in Alexandria, Virginia: One, the left and…

With Grenfell Tower, we’ve seen what ‘ripping up red tape’ really looks like

by George Monbiot for The Guardian Too often safety has been sacrificed to an agenda of deregulation backed by lobbyists: it’s time to put the public interest above corner-cutting and greed For years successive governments have built what they call a…

UK doctor denounces Health Secretary, accuses him of incompetence

In the recent UK general election, the Minister for Health, Jeremy Hunt, was opposed in his constituency by a doctor standing for the National Health Action Party.  Dr Louise Irvine, sadly lost the vote by a over 20,000 votes yet did…

Corbyn Teaches To Embrace Change We Need

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers The shocking election result in the United Kingdom – the Conservatives losing their majority and the creation of a hung Parliament; and Jeremy Corbyn being more successful than any recent Labor candidate –…

The election’s biggest losers? Not the Tories but the media, who missed the story

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Trapped in their hall of mirrors the broadcasters and press wrote off Jeremy Corbyn. They have to change and reflect the world they report on. The election was a crushing defeat – but not…

Dear Young People Who Laugh at Climate Deniers

By David Swanson Laughter is a wonderful thing. It’s hard to get too much of it. But there may be something even more valuable — something that you may be better able to grasp than some of your elders. When…

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