

Far-Right Surge or Status Quo? Understanding the 2024 European Elections

Last month’s European Parliament elections did not bring about the ultimate breakthrough of the far right as some had feared. They are gaining influence though, especially because the lines between them and forces in the political center are blurring. Consequently,…

How can Spain and Bangladesh Improve their Comprehensive Ties through PM Hasina’s Upcoming Madrid Visit?

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina is expected to make an important official visit to Spain on July 21–22, which might strengthen current partnerships and determine the direction of future comprehensive Dhaka–Madrid relations. Given the strong and long-standing bilateral ties between Bangladesh…

FM Hasan Mahmud’s Riyadh Visit for Injecting a Strong Impetus into KSA-Bangladesh Diplomacy

by Ozair Islam From July 1–3, Bangladeshi FM Hasan Mahmud is in Riyadh on an official visit to cement the official diplomacy between Bangladesh and the KSA. There are two main reasons why this visit is really important. First, following…

PPFA Bats for a Correct NRC with the 1951 Base Year

Guwahati:  Expressing distress over the recent debates about the voting pattern of Bangladesh-origin Muslims in favor of a particular political party in the General Elections 2024 and a steady increase in aggression over the original inhabitants despite enjoying development benefits…

Trump/Biden Debate Immigration: US Foreign Policy as a Driver Is Ignored

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Emma Lazarus’s inscription on the…

Arce rejects narrative of ‘self-coup’ in Bolivia

Bolivian President Luis Arce today strongly rejected the narrative of a “self-coup” being promoted by opposition sectors following Wednesday’s military takeover of Plaza Murillo and forced entry into the old government palace. Speaking at a press conference, Arce insisted that…

The use of Antisemitism against Jean-Luc Mélenchon and La France insoumise

It started well before, but the 2024 legislative elections called by President Emmanuel Macron gave room to an accusation of anti-Semitism indirectly targeting the New Popular Front, directly La France insoumise, and particularly Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Is the latter anti-Semitic? This…

Kenya: After protests and violent repression, the President opens the possibility of dialogue

Two people were killed, 35 arrested and around 200 injured in Kenya during protests in several cities against a government-backed bill to increase or introduce new taxes. The information was provided by five organisations, including Amnesty International (AI), and compiled…

How Venezuela Is Overcoming the US Blockade

The future of Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, a target of US imperial power since its inception in 1998, may be decided on July 28, the date of their presidential election. By Roger D. Harris Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro and seven other…

Bangladesh’s reaction to Mamata’s stance on water sharing

One letter, many questions. Bangladesh is shocked by the statement that has come up in this letter! West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has written this letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. There is nothing wrong in writing letters, in…

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