

Federal Court Deals Blow to Trump Travel Ban

In the U.S., a federal court struck another blow Thursday to President Trump’s ban on refugees and travelers from six majority-Muslim nations. The unanimous ruling by three judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected an attempt by the…

London, thousands of nursing staff demand pay rise

Around 3,000 nurses, student nurses, health care workers and supporters took part in the 90-minute rally in Parliament Square, opposite the Houses of Parliament. The rally was organized as part of the Royal College of Nursing’s “Scrap the Cap” campaign,…

A rare piece of good news for the UK National Health Service

From OurNHS Facebook: Some very good news for once – the government has abandoned plans to privatise the in-house NHS staffing agency, NHS Professionals, after fierce campaigning by WeOwnIt, and others, and support from the official Opposition. We’ve been highlighting…

Mumia Abu Jamal: Have Black Lives Ever Mattered?

A Review by Denise Sullivan, Following the shocking back-to-back police murders of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castille outside St. Paul in July of 2016, author and activist Mumia Abu-Jamal responded with what seemed to be an uncharacteristic…

250 thousand people demand that Santiago Maldonado appears alive

Photos by Javier Martínez Argentina is shaken by the forced disappearance of Santiago Maldonado, which occurred on August 1st in the province of Chubut, in Argentine Patagonia, while participating in a protest of the Mapuche indigenous community Pu Lof in…

The Democrat should Build a Human Shield to Protect the DREAMers

In a few days, the Trump’s administration will announce whether it will choose to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which would put in jeopardy the future of thousands of undocumented immigrant youth. President Obama created DACA…

Lessons from the North Korea crisis: Nuclear weapons cause war even when not used

By Gunnar Westberg The author has been twice to North Korea and maintains contacts with physicians in the North Korean branch of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in that country. ”If your country continues to develop nuclear…

Jimmy Carter and the US-North Korean Treaty Halting North Korea’s Development of Nuclear Weapons

By William James Martin, Very little, almost nothing has been mentioned in the press or on TV about Jimmy Carter and his negotiation resulting in an agreement by the North Koreans, in 1994, to halt its nuclear weapons program and…

To Be a Nigerian Migrant in Italy

A Nigerian migrant, stairs at new comers at an old, local Roman bar. Extremely polite, he asks for money. If you offer to him to buy some food instead, he immediately accepts. Interviewed for IPS by Laurent Vercken, the young…

Charlottesville’s Past That Isn’t Even

Here in Charlottesville, Virginia, I like to point out that the rallies of racists are mostly imported from out of state. It’s tempting to relax comfortably on that assertion, and to reflect on how our great lord and master Thomas…

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