

Jeremy Corbyn: “Yes, Labour is threatening to destroy the current economic model”

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, speaking at the Cooperative Party Conference last Saturday has touched many important topics about national and international politics. The complete text can be read here. Here are some of the most significant passages of…

Trump Puts Israel First With UNESCO Withdrawal

By Ali Abunimah Donald Trump’s “America First” foreign policy was on full display Thursday when the State Department announced that the United States is withdrawing from UNESCO over the United Nations cultural body’s supposed “anti-Israel bias.” Under President Barack Obama, the US…

Catalonia: without independence but with dialogue

Catalonia suspends its declaration of independence. On the 10th of October 2017, Catalonia could have achieved a dream that generation after generation have been demanding as the right of a people, of a culture for more than 300 years. Something…

Lies, Deceit and Disinformation: The Rise of Fake News

Manila, Philippines– Fake News has become a global phenomenon and a hot issue of the times. The island-nation of the Philippines has not been spared. With the widespread use of social media and the ease of putting up blogs and…

Before Maria, Forcing Puerto Rico To Pay Its Debt Was Odious. Now It’s Pure Cruelty

Co-Written by Stan Cox and Paul Cox Donald Trump’s sadistic attacks on the people of Puerto Rico got most of the headlines, but it is colonial exploitation that created the unnatural disaster that continues to play out in America’s Caribbean…

Jeremy Corbyn response to Prime Minister May “more of the same” speech

It´s the UK party Conferences season, Labour had it before the Conservatives but the leaders speeches might as well be seen in reverse. Here is the “response” Jeremy Corbyn MP gives to Theresa May PM´s attempt to appear more caring…

Adding ignorant insult to Puerto Rico’s injuries

Ordinary people can work to fill the breach caused by the federal government’s relief failure–and challenge the oppression Puerto Rico has suffered, writes Danny Katch. An unprecedented sequence of powerful hurricanes fueled by climate change. An infrastructure that was already…

What’s North Korea Afraid of?

By David Swanson “Peace” clubs in U.S. schools are likely to teach that a local bully is afraid and in need of help. They are much less likely to teach that about entities involved in the actual subject of peace…

“Mr. Rajoy, thanks to you we are out of Spain… even though we didn’t want to be.”

Criticisms of Mariano Rajoy’s administration for they way it has behaved during the referendum haven’t stopped coming all day from all over the world. The brutal force of the police and the civil guard that we saw yesterday in Catalonia;…

Spain “loses” all sense of judgement in Catalonia

As the day of the referendum advances in Catalonia, the state police contingent is intensifying its repression. Tear gas, rubber bullets, very strong aggression against young, old and even the injured who are hit again. The state police attack with…

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