

How the Pentagon Papers came to be published by the Beacon Press told by Daniel Ellsberg & others

Published in July 2013 by Democracy Now! Forty-one years ago, Beacon Press lost a Supreme Court case brought against it by the U.S. government for publishing the first full edition of the Pentagon Papers. It is now well known how…

USA: the Liberal/Progressive/Left Has Destroyed Itself

It  took just one 4 page memo to annihilate 18 months of relentless, inexorable, nonstop lies. The Dems idiot plan has backfired making Trump more powerful than ever. Was Russiagate the Deep State’s conspiracy against Trump or the Deep State’s…

Fabricating a fig Leaf of Democracy in Egypt

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali, A fig leaf of democracy is being developed in Egypt amid persecution of opposition, mass executions and imposition of state of emergency to give wide powers to suppress all kind of dissent of a quazi-military government…

Jeremy Corbyn unveils radical plan to help the homeless: buy them homes

“Figures this week showed homelessness has risen for the seventh year running. Unlike the Conservatives, Labour will not stand by as people sleep rough on our streets.” by Common Dreams staff In an interview with the BBC’s Andrew Marr on…

Tomas Hirsch: “Valuing diversity is what makes convergence possible”

We interviewed Tomás Hirsch, a humanist Deputy from Frente Amplio (Broad Front), a conglomerate that was formed just a year ago in Chile. However, long before this different attempts of convergence between progressive political forces of this country were made.…

Cyprus: “Without reconciliation there will be no reunification in this island”

Tijen Erol and Merobe Bobbe Theoklitou are both from Cyprus. Since 1974, Cyprus is a divided country so one of them lives in one side and the other one lives in the other side of the island. They are both…

Jeremy Corbyn calls on Carillion directors to hand back their bonuses

“Labour leader says failed firm’s executives ‘should not be paid anything at the present time because they have run the company in such a way that all these jobs are at risk’. Jeremy Corbyn has called on the directors of failed…

The PFI* bosses fleeced us. Now watch them walk away

by George Monbiot for The Guardian When contracts fail, the legal priority is still to pay firms like Carillion. Money is officially more valuable than life Again the “inefficient” state mops up the disasters caused by “efficient” private companies. Just…

South Korea welcomes North Korean proposal for talks ahead of Olympic Games

While also warning of “nuclear button” on his desk, Kim Jong Un called for efforts to “improve inter-Korean relations by ourselves” by Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams The South Korean government welcomed on Monday North Korean leader Kim…

Peru and Fujimori: still far away from reconciliation

The latest protests by the people of Peru in recent days as a response to the amnesty given for “humanitarian” reasons to former President Alberto Fujimori, highlight the common feeling of rage against the mockery and abuse of the word…

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