

Nicole Ndongala: We’re all human; that’s what unites us

Nicole Ndongala, migrant to Spain, native of the Democratic Republic of Congo, participated in the European Humanist Forum, Madrid, in her role as the director of the Karibu Association.  Nicole participated in the opening session and in the working area…

China Extending Capabilities In Reengineering Global Opinion

Viewpoint by Zi Yang* SINGAPORE (IDN) – On March 21, 2018, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) released its ‘Plan for Deepening Reform of Party and State Organs’. Among the 60 items added to China’s reform agenda, four were related to…

Tomás Hirsch: Social democracy is in crisis because it’s a bad copy of the Right

Interview with Tomás Hirsch, Humanist Party congressman from Chile, during the European Humanist Forum in Madrid. Hirsch talks about convergence and political alliances, the crisis of the Left in Europe, the role of parliamentarians and relationships with social movements. (The…

Venezuela chose: Now, the media will invalidate the results

More than eight million six hundred thousand Venezuelans have participated in the presidential election this Sunday, whose result has been the renewal of mandate to the current president Nicolás Maduro. The new state councils were also elected, although the focus…

Interview with Sabine Rubin, France Insoumise

Sabine Rubin is a committed woman, Siloist humanist… She has worked for many years to mobilize people around her so that they express themselves, especially on the political and social level in favour of a more human world. Currently, she…

UK: The Magic Money forest

The Prime Minister Theresa May and the austerity crowd keep telling us there is no money to support the NHS and other essential services, but the Rich List shows the increasing concentration of money at the top. The poor are…

Opening day of the European Humanist Forum

Over 500 people came to the opening session of EHF2018, with people overflowing into three extra rooms after having filled the auditorium at the UNED Faculty of Education Sciences. The atmosphere was joyful in this latest gathering of the European…

Members of Parliament from four countries sign Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty Pledge

On Saturday the 12th of May, parliamentarians from Spain, France, Chile and Argentina signed ICAN’s Parliamentary pledge in support of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  ICAN won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to create…

Blood and resistance in Palestine on the day of the Nakba

May 14, 2018 – Blood flowed in Palestine today. It was the seventieth anniversary of Ben Gurion‘s proclamation of the State of Israel, a state created out of Palestinian land by expelling thousands of Palestinian families from their homes. In…

Mass Murder In Gaza

By Bill Van Auken The two events—occurring on the 70th anniversary of Israel’s declaration of independence—were juxtaposed by the media, broadcast simultaneously on split screens by television networks. What could not be concealed was the fact that the opening of…

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