

The South Indian State of Kerala Shows the Way By Embracing Migrant Workers

By Shastri Ramachandaran* NEW DELHI (IDN) – By any yardstick of human and social development, Kerala in South India is ahead of most Indian states. It provides social security to all sections of employees and workers through schemes that are…

Anti-Brexit protest: 100,000, perhaps many more, demand a say

The People’s Vote demonstration in London culminated with speeches in Parliament Square.  On the second anniversary of the EU referendum and following public awareness of lies, manipulation and interference from economic and political interests via social media during the pro-Brexit…

Political figures support Beatrice Fihn of ICAN – Nobel Peace Prize 2017

Dozens of elected officials from various political groups have signed a document in support of ICAN’s campaign to promote the entry into force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. The executive director of ICAN, Beatrice Fihn,…

Independent unions found new global union federation

By In May 2018 the “International Confederation of Labour” was founded in Italy to unite independent unions and worker organisations across frontiers. We interviewed delegates at the congress to hear about their union activities at home and what they…

What does the (s)election of Ivan Duque in Colombia mean for Latin America and the Caribbean?

The historical perspective Exactly one hundred years ago, Marco Fidel Suarez took over the presidency of Colombia and coined the foreign policy guidelines called Respice Polum (“Let’s look at the pole” or “towards the North”) or the Suarez Doctrine. Since…

Tips from Tomas Hirsch, Chilean parliamentarian: how other parties can recover their meaning

In spite of their different roots Christian Democratic and Social Democratic parties have been occupying similar slots in the political spectrum, and are suffering today a similar crisis, brought about by their efforts to adapt to neoliberal dominance, not only…

Study finds less corruption in countries where more women are in government

A recent report in Science Daily describes an inverse relationship between women’s participation in politics and corruption: “A greater representation of women in the government is bad news for corruption, according to a new study published in the Journal of…

What Else Canadians Should Be Sorry For — Besides Burning the White House

By David Swanson, Six-years after the British landing at Jamestown, with the settlers struggling to survive and hardly managing to get their own local genocide underway, these new Virginians hired mercenaries to attack Acadia and (fail to) drive the French…

Jeremy Corbyn joins the silent walk for the anniversary of Grenfell Tower fire

“Today marks the one year anniversary of the tragic Grenfell Tower fire – in which 72 people lost their lives. We remember those who died and renew our commitment to fight for justice on behalf of Grenfell Tower residents, their…

Kim-Trump Summit: Hardcore War Mongers Aren’t Happy

By Farooque Chowdhury The hardcore warmongers aren’t happy with the just completed Kim-Trump Singapore summit. The warmongers love warmongering and war as these increase their amount and rate of profit. Reactions to the latest diplomatic development in the Korea region…

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