

Three Antiwar Congress Members

Rashida Tlaib has nothing about war or peace on her website. And she’s going to be elected to the seat held by Congressman John Conyers, famous for giving speeches for things like impeaching George W. Bush while telling reporters and…

UN Demands Brazilian State to Guarantee Lula’s Political Rights

Brasilia, Aug 17 (Prensa Latina) The UN Human Rights Committee urged today the Brazilian state to allow former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to enjoy and exercise his political rights as a candidate in the 2018 elections. This was…

Trump and the Media: From Fake News to Enemies of the People?

“I do not feel that the media is the enemy of the people,” Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, asserted in a recent interview. This was the statement that noted CNN journalist Jim Acosta had tried and failed to draw from…

US tariff move will not achieve “winnable” results: strategist

“In the short run, I think we’re still waiting to find out where the pain is and where the pain isn’t. In recent polling, 17 percent of Americans say their financial situation is somehow been impacted by this in a…

The West Has Performed ‘Philosophical Coup’ Against The Left

by Andre Vltchek It has been happening for quite some time, but no one has been paying much attention: Western academia, mainstream media, and the most visible propagandists, were trying to convince the world that 1) ideology has died, or…

Brexit: austerity tipped balance towards Leave, new study suggests

Thiemo Fetzer, University of Warwick for The Conversation You might think that two years after the EU referendum, there would be nothing more to say about what caused the Leave vote. In fact, it’s only now that we might be…

A Threat to Global Democracy:

How Facebook & Surveillance Capitalism Empower Authoritarianism “Black Elevation.” “Mindful Being.” “Resisters.” “Aztlan Warriors.” Those are the names of some of the accounts removed from Facebook and Instagram Tuesday after Facebook uncovered a plot to covertly influence the midterm elections.…

On the wrong side of history: the dangers facing Brexitland

TAHIR ABBAS 1 August 2018 for openDemocracy “Britain is sadly leading the way in a regressive, narrow-minded and divisive politics… I am leaving behind a Brexit Britain that is rudderless, leaderless and completely hollow within.” A few days ago, I…

Sanders: Thank you, Koch brothers, for accidentally making the case for Medicare for All!

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., thanked billionaire mega donors Charles and David Koch for unintentionally helping make the case for Medicare for all. Sanders’s remarks came in a video posted on his Twitter account. The words: “Thank you Koch Brothers” appeared…

The USA Is The Only Remaining Colonial Power

by Paul Craig Roberts, July 30, 2018 The United States government has never allowed independent governments in Latin America. Every time people elect a government that represents them instead of US economic interests, Washington overthrows the elected government. Marine General Smedley…

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