

Neoliberalism has become a way of life, much more than an ideology or an economic policy”, Pierre Dardot.

We spoke at length with the French philosopher Pierre Dardot, who maintains that if one does not understand how Neoliberalism works, one cannot resist it or overcome it. That it is necessary to recognize it by permeating the different human…

Fascistic candidate Jair Bolsonaro places first in Brazilian presidential election

By Miguel Andrade The Brazilian general elections held on Sunday resulted in the most right-wing Congress since the end of the 1964-1985 US-backed military dictatorship and gave the fascistic former Army reserve captain Jair Bolsonaro a wide lead in the…

PMPI Statement: Serving the Poor is not Communism

We are not surprised, but very much concerned about the recent lies peddled by a Facebook page tagging Sister Susan Bolanio as among the enemies of the State, associating her with the communists. Time and again, people helping communities…

End of Hegemony: UN Must Reflect Changing World Order

By Dr Ramzy Baroud There is a rational explanation of why India and Brazil, two countries with vast populations and large and growing economies, are not permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). The Council – made up…

Kavanaugh Is The Wrong Nominee For Our Times

Co-Written by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers The Kavanaugh confirmation process has been a missed opportunity for the United States to face up to many urgent issues on which the bi-partisans in Washington, DC are united and wrong. Kavanaugh’s career as…

Hope for Lasting Peace in Muslim Mindanao

Will the Bangsamoro Organic Law pave the way for lasting peace and prosperity in Mindanao? Last night, a Forum, Bangsamoro and Beyond: A National Conversation, was held and broadcasted seeking to involve and encourage a national discourse on the impact…

Washington amplifies war threats against Iran, bullies the world

By Keith Jones US President Donald Trump used his second day of high-profile appearances at the United Nations Wednesday to amplify Washington’s war-threats against Iran and bully countries around the world. At a UN Security Council session ostensibly devoted to…

To Fight Climate Threat and ‘Greed-Is-Good’ Capitalism, Corbyn Offers ‘Radical Plan to Rebuild and Transform’ UK

Taking direct aim at Tory government’s failures, Labour Party leader closes conference with vow to “kick-start a green jobs revolution” and challenge the powerful by Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams  –  Closing out the Labour Party’s annual conference on…

Raise the alarm! Fascism marching through Latin America

by Javier Tolcachier The imminent election in Brazil is key to the future of Latin America and the Caribbean. Next October 7, positions of political power in the legislative chambers, the governorships will be resolved and it will be defined…

Noam Chomsky Visits Brazil’s Former President Lula in Prison

In news from Brazil, the world-renowned dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky met with Brazil’s imprisoned former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Thursday. This comes a week after Lula officially pulled out of next month’s presidential race. Lula has…

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