

Catalonia: a year on, political prisoners go unnoticed by the rest of the world

Georgina Blakeley, The Open University for The Conversation After an unofficial referendum in October 2017, the pro-independence political parties in the Catalan parliament unilaterally declared independence from Spain. In response, the Spanish government invoked Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution…

After an Election of Historic Firsts, the Real Work Begins

“Words cannot express my gratitude to every organizer, every small-dollar donor, every working parent and dreamer who helped make this movement happen,” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said to the ecstatic crowd that packed the election night party celebrating her victorious run for…

Trump Bullying Will Hurt Millions of Iranians

By Medea Benjamin Iranian government officials want to know how the Trump administration can get away with punishing Iran and other countries for complying with the internationally recognized nuclear deal signed in 2015. “The US is, in effect, threatening states…

What Else You Can Do

You’ve been radically misled to believe that the only thing, or the most important thing, or one of the super important things you can do is vote. Voting in a functioning democracy would be a fairly important thing to do,…

Bolsonaro gov’t threatens IP lands, life, environment

After Jair Bolsonaro secured the presidential seat in the Brazil elections last Sunday, global network of Indigenous Peoples (IP) organizations International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL) fears that the Bolsonaro government is a ‘threat’ to the lives…

Institutional statements on the occasion of the pronouncements made by the Attorney General’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office towards political prisoners

President of the Parliament of Catalonia, Roger Torrent i Ramió The request for sentences made today by the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office in the indictment against the defendants in relation to the referendum of 1 October…

Rome’s Mamiani secondary school: we want a politics that puts people first

The occupation of the Mamiani secondary school in Rome has just come to an end. We talk to Giacomo of the Mamiani Collective. Where did the idea of writing the letter, published by us a few days ago, come from?…

November Elections: Hope My Ominous Predictions are Wrong!

By Partha Banerjee Next week, America will decide whether or not this country will go down on a permanent path to fascism, violence, and white supremacy. Just before Donald Trump became the president in November 2016, I had written in…

The Greatest Fraud in the History of Electoral Propaganda

It is still too early to call Jair Bolsonaro president, because this election was the biggest farce in Brazilian history, starting with the mountain of irregularities in electoral propaganda, which has not yet been evaluated by the TSE (Superior Electoral…

XVIII Symposium Universal Basic Income

Los días 26 y 27 de octubre se desarrolló, en la sede de Barcelona Activa, el XVIII simposio de la Red Renta Básica. En él se pudo exponer los aspectos básicos de esta propuesta, así como aspectos más técnicos, políticos y sociales. Tal como se indica en la propia web, “La renta básica universal puede ser la clave para conseguir una sociedad más igualitaria donde se garanticen unos ingresos vitales y la libertad de toda la ciudadanía”.

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