

Staunch EU critic Yanis Varoufakis to run in European election — in Germany

The ex-Greek finance minister, who opposed deep austerity imposed by Brussels and Berlin, is to stand in the European elections next year. Announcing the run, Varoufakis said it was time for a European Spring. Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has…

What is populism – and why is it so hard to define?

Andy Knott, University of Brighton for The Conversation We live in a moment in which the word “populism” is never far from the lips of politicians (although oh so rarely of the populist politicians themselves). We hear the word repeated…

Maso Notarianni: “Everyone is welcome on board Mediterranea Saving Humans”

Migration policy, civil disobedience and tangible gestures of solidarity. We talk to Maso Notarianni, a journalist, director of Italian association ARCI and member of Mediterranea Saving Humans. How did the launch of the Mediterranea Saving Humans project come about? The…

The subtle field and political action

Débora Nunes The results of the Brazilian elections led to relevant, in-depth analyses of the political history and the future of the country. But the question, “Why was rationality thrown to the wind exposing us to the direst consequences?” keeps…

Tanzania: the rapacious hypocrisy of the West

Once upon a time there was an African country, Tanzania, praised by the whole West as “peaceful, tolerant, hospitable, etc., etc., etc.” Thanks to its founding ‘father’ J. K. Nyerere, a primary school teacher, Tanzania gained independence from colonial rule…

Theresa May’s Brexit deal is dead in the water – now what for Britain?

Andy Price, Sheffield Hallam University for The Conversation The contrast between what she said and the way she said it was stark. In a subdued, almost reticent way, Theresa May told the nation on the steps of 10 Downing Street…

Lessons on Building Democracy after Nonviolent Revolutions

By Jonathan Pinckney In 2011, Egypt began a political transition following a nonviolent revolution. There was tremendous optimism both from within the country and abroad that the transition was likely to lead to a democratic outcome. In 2014, Burkina Faso also began a…

Following Bolsonaro’s statements, Cuba announces its withdrawal from the “More Doctors” program in Brazil

Jair Bolsonaro, president elect of Brazil, who has made direct, contemptuous and threatening comments against the presence of our doctors, has declared and reiterated that he will modify the terms and conditions of the More Doctors program , disregarding the…

No to NATO, No to Bases, No to Wars in Distant Places

By David Swanson As I head over to Ireland for a conference on closing U.S. and NATO military bases around the world — and at which some of us will make plans for protesting NATO in Washington on April 4,…

‘We Have Got to End Starvation Wages’: Bernie Sanders to Re-Introduce $15 Minimum Wage Bill in First Week of New Congress

“Workers and their families cannot make it on $9 an hour or $10 an hour—or even less,” the Vermont senator said in a statemen by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams Highlighting the injustice of the fact that ordinary American…

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