

Brexit Groundhog Day as EU leaders stand firm in face of British political stalemate

Nieves Perez-Solorzano, University of Bristol for The Conversation As the December European Council drew to an end, EU leaders must have felt that they were living their own Brexit Groundhog Day. As has become the norm since the Brexit negotiations…

Overtime Act sparks series of intense anti-Orbán protests in Hungary

Today will see the third consecutive day of anti-government protests in Budapest. People are  expressing their anger on the street over the Overtime Act (often dubbed “slave law” passed by Parliament on Wednesday’s chaotic parliamentary session along with the law establishing…

400 hours Overtime Act passed by Hungarian Parliament

In what amounts to be the biggest scandal of Hungary’s Parliament since the regime change, the Parliament passed the Overtime Act, often called the Slavery Act by the opposition, effective as of 1 January 2019. This new amendment to the Labour Act…

Netanyahu will do all he can to destroy Jewish-Arab alliances

The alliance between Palestinian citizens of Israel and the Jewish left has historically been viewed as a threat to the rule of the right. That’s why Netanyahu is doing everything he can to undermine it. By Eli Bitan The Israeli…

The Macron Implosion – Will it Spread to Other EU Members?

By Peter Koenig The Yellow Vest Movement – weekend 8 and 9 December – Round 4. Some say, they are the worst riots in France since the student-driven mini-Revolution of May 1968. Over the four weekends, hundreds of thousands were…

Trump Has Been Broken by the Military/Security Complex

by Paul Craig Roberts, Dec 9, 2018  In order to protect himself from the military/security complex, President Trump has abandoned his intention of normalizing relations with Russia. Just as the neoconservative ideology needs US hegemony, the military/security complex needs an…

Progressive International: Varoufakis & Sanders launch new global movement against far right

The far right is rising in Europe, most recently in Spain, where the anti-immigrant, anti-abortion Vox party won multiple seats in a regional parliamentary election in Andalusia on Sunday. It was the first successful election for the far right in…

Anti-fascism march in London

Today, Sunday 9th of December, protesters in London mobilised in opposition to a growing and increasingly vocal fascist movement in the UK, something mirrored across Europe and the USA. As the country becomes increasingly polarised in the run up to…

Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes): where Democracy is on the march! [2/2]

Text and photos by Mauricio Alvarez. We have chosen to publish this article in two parts to simplify your reading.  The first was to recall the meaning of the word democracy and explain the root causes of the Yellow Vests…

Harmful, unfounded myths about migration and health have become accepted, used to justify policies of exclusion

According to research published in The Lancet and reported by ScienceDaily “Stereotypes that migrants are disease carriers who present a risk to public health and are a burden on services are some of the most prevalent and harmful myths about…

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