

Washington Has Appointed A President For Venezuela

by Paul Craig Roberts, 23/01/2019 Originally posted here   After listening since 2016 to the American presstitutes complain, without providing a mere scrap of evidence, of Russia meddling in US elections, a person would think that the last thing Washington…

Fears of US-Backed ‘Coup’ in Motion as Trump Recognizes Venezuela Opposition Lawmaker as ‘Interim President’

In response to Trump declaration, President Nicolas Maduro gives diplomats from ‘imperialist’ U.S. 72 hours to leave the country by Jon Queally, staff writer for Common Dreams President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela officially cut off dipomatic ties with the U.S. government…

Demonstrations and roadblocks all over Hungary

Saturday afternoon, the series of demonstrations against the Overtime Act continued in Budapest and numerous countryside locations. There were demonstrations or roadblocks in Miskolc, Tatabánya, Debrecen, Sopron, and many other places. The organisation behind the countrywide protests is the National…

It’s Fascism and Dictatorship, Here in USA

By Partha Banerjee America is surely slipping into the monstrous nights of fascism and dictatorship. And elite politicians and media do not care, much. Then comes the task of controlling the so-called “populist” base: the angry, frightened, disillusioned white population,…

A New Spectre Is Haunting Europe

After Teresa May’s defeat in the British parliament it is clear that a new spectre is haunting Europe. It is no longer the spectre of communism, which opens Marx’s Manifesto of 1848; it is the spectre of the failure of…

Brief History Notes on Mexican Immigration to the U.S.

The historical ties of Mexican immigrants to the U.S., specifically the Southwest, distinguishes people of Mexican origin from other immigrant groups, especially those from Europe. While Mexican immigrants continue to be demonized and characterized as “criminals,” “drug dealers,” “rapists,” “illegal…

Brexit deal flops, Theresa May survives – so what happens now?

Victoria Honeyman, University of Leeds for The Conversation As the clock ticks down to March 29 2019, all of the political manoeuvring, negotiating, arguing and fighting is coming to a peak. In the two and a half years since the…

UK parliament votes down Prime Minister May’s Brexit deal

Co-Written by By Robert Stevens and Chris Marsden MPs voted by a massive majority Tuesday evening against Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposed deal with the European Union (EU) on the terms of Britain’s exit from the bloc. May was defeated…

The Memo That Helped Kill a Half Million People in Syria

The memo shows the advice Hillary Clinton was getting to plunge the U.S. deeper into the Syrian war. The memo has again become relevant as Trump seeks to extricate the U.S. By Daniel Lazare First published here   A memo sent to…

How the yellow vests are reinventing French politics

Last weekend, 50,000 people flooded the streets of France for the first protest of 2019 organized by the yellow vests, or gilets jaunes. This protest is a continuation of a national movement for economic justice that has shaken the country since…

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