

Getting ready for Bernie 2020

Danny Katch, author of Why Bad Governments Happens to Good People, kicks off the discussion of what the left should make of Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign. We expect this article and others about the Sanders 2020 campaign to inspire a…

The US Peace Movement Goes to Venezuela.

Press conference held at the United Nations Yesterday, February 27, 2019, a press conference was held at the United Nations press room in New York to announce that leaders of the US peace movement will be going to Venezuela to…

A second Brexit referendum is getting more likely. Here’s 3 things that must happen first.

ADAM RAMSAY 27 February 2019 for openDemocracy We can prevent a rerun of the abuses that dogged the 2016 vote. Here’s how Last month I asked Carole Cadwalladr a question. “Do we have an agreed figure for how much Arron…

Lost in Globalisation – A Chaotic Tale of a Process Now Being Dismantled (Apparently)

By Baher Kamal* Do not panic! This is not about telling you how bank accounts and pension funds have been used to finance the production of nuclear bombs (they call it ‘investment’). Nor it is about the four dozens of…

The truth is, Africa is still a land to conquer

Other states pretty much do what they like, partly because there are new factors in play that have added to the daily squabbling and which, taken on their own, have nothing to do with the migrant phenomenon. Africa possesses 30%…

As Trump Pushes for Overthrow in Venezuela, Sanders Warns Against Repeating History’s Mistake

“The United States has a very bad record of intervening in Latin American countries and that must not happen again,” said Sanders. “The future of Venezuela must be left to the Venezuelan people.” by Jon Queally, staff  for Common Dreams Progressive…

No War on Venezuela! March on Wall Street

#23Feb actions have been called across the country and across the globe. Full list here: We cannot be silent in the face of the latest U.S. aggression against the Venezuelan people. Nicolás Maduro is the president of the Bolivarian…

Dialogue with Tomás Hirsch / Chile: a deeply inhuman system

“The Chilean model, which is presented abroad as the greatest success of neoliberalism, presents a very different reality for millions of Chilean families,” said Tomás Hirsch, deputy of the Chilean Humanist Party (Frente Amplio), in an interview with ALAI.  This…

A World Party

By Roberto Savio* I  have been a member of the first international party: the Transnational Radical Party, founded in 1956 by Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino. Then in 1988, I was a wetness of the large protest, in Berlin West,…

Bernie Sanders announces candidacy for US presidency

Por Brasil de Fato The candidate is gaining momentum with progressive agendas and direct attacks on Donald Trump’s far-right policies. Senator Bernie Sanders confirmed his candidacy for the presidency of the United States on Tuesday (19), calling on the population…

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