

Millions of Brazilians Protest from Windows and Balconies Demanding President’s Ouster

In Brazil, the president of the Senate has tested positive for COVID-19, along with two Cabinet ministers and 16 members of President Bolsonaro’s entourage on a recent trip to the U.S. to meet with President Trump. Over the weekend, Bolsonaro…

‘We Cannot Test. We Cannot Test’: As Coronavirus Cases in US Spike 40% in One Day, Medical Workers Plea for Key Supplies

“Testing is central because that leads to early detection, it minimizes further spread, and it quickly treats those found with the virus.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Common Dreams As it was reported Thursday that the number of confirmed coronavirus…

Ten stories you might have missed because of coronavirus

As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the world and dominates the headlines, it is easy to forget that life goes on outside of the virus. From the US democratic primaries to the ongoing migrant crisis in the eastern Mediterranean to, here…

12 Ways the U.S. Invasion of Iraq Lives On In Infamy

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies While the world is consumed with the terrifying coronavirus pandemic, on March 19 the Trump administration will be marking the 17th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq by ramping up the…

Facing Two Pandemics: Coronavirus and Global Capital

On Sunday, Time magazine published a brilliant article, “In the Battle Against Coronavirus, Humanity Lacks Leadership” by Yuval Noah Harari. It’s a must-read piece that gives us an overview of pandemics throughout human history and shows the progress we have…

WWIII: A 21st Century Enemy

The whole world is at war with an almost unknown enemy, one with a sophistication that challenges our 21st century technology. And it looks like the coronavirus is currently winning. The consequences of the pandemic will be disastrous for millions…

Bernie Sanders is not ‘Biden’ time

Former Vice President Joe Biden did well on Super Tuesday II, winning four of the six states in the March 10th Democratic presidential nomination contests: Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi and Missouri. Bernie Sanders won North Dakota, and currently has a narrow…

To Help Stem Coronavirus, Lift Sanctions on Iran

Co-Written by Ariel Gold and Medea Benjamin The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is far from the first proof of how intertwined we are as a global community. The climate crisis and the refugee crisis have long been glaring examples that the…

Did you know this about Iran and the coronavirus?

This is bad. Since February 19, when the first coronavirus cases were identified in Iran, at least 6,566 people—about one in every 12,000 Iranians—have been infected. At least 237 people have died. Iran is third, behind China and South Korea,…

Ban Parades Now

As I proposed before the CPAC meeting and will again now, there is a danger in large gatherings and a precedent of ignoring that danger to great detriment. The steps China has taken against the coronavirus (rapidly building new hospitals,…

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