

The Philippines Moving to Active Middle Power Diplomacy

Viewpoint by Aileen S P Baviera* Professor Aileen Baveira died of COVID-19 in Manila on 21 March 2020. MANILA (IDN) — The Philippines was first a colony and then a formal treaty ally of the United States for so long…

Hungary: Law to fight coronavirus creates ‘uncertainty’ for journalists

A law that holds a prison sentence of up to five years for spreading “false information” is part of new measures against COVID-19. As Fanny Facsar reports, journalists fear it could make it even harder to report news. These are…

‘Drop the Medicare Eligibility Age to 0 Right Now’: Study Warns 35 Million Could Lose Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

“The national health insurance system is crumbling more with every day that passes.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer Common Dreams The coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic collapse could cause a staggering 35 million people in the U.S. to lose their…

The Only Oxygen Cylinder Factory in Europe is Shut down and Macron Refuses to Nationalize It

By Jérôme Duval for Counterpunch Although no information is circulating about the stock of oxygen cylinders in France, which are very useful in these times of acute health crisis and which Italy cruelly lacks, the only factory capable of producing…

‘Never Seen Anything Like It’: Economists Warn 6.6 Million New Jobless Claims Portend Unparalleled Crisis

“A portrait of disaster. Unemployment insurance claims for the last two weeks are mind-blowing.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer –  Common Dreams The U.S. Department of Labor announced Thursday that 6.6 million Americans filed jobless claims last week, a staggering…

Could COVID-19 Reshape Global Leadership?

By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies As U.S. COVID-19 cases double every few days and the death toll mounts, the U.S. seems to be caught in a “worst of both worlds” predicament: daily life and much of the…

Hungary: Emergency Law gives carte blanche powers to government – free media and human rights defenders needed more than ever

The Hungarian Parliament adopted the so-called “Authorization Act”,  allowing indefinite government rule by decree. The role of free media and a strong civil society is now more vital than ever to ensure government accountability. Fully aware of its increased responsibility,…

When Economists Try to Solve Health Crises, the Results Can Often Be Disastrous

Classical economics helped kill millions in the British Empire’s famines—following economic orthodoxy today could be just as deadly. By Justin Podur I’m writing this at 585,000 worldwide active cases, 26,000 deaths, and with only China and Korea seemingly under some…

‘A Harrowing Warning’ to All as Hungary Hands Far-Right Leader Dictatorial Powers Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

“We could have a parallel epidemic of authoritarian and repressive measures following close if not on the heels of a health epidemic.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer Human rights groups and activists issued dire warnings about the state of democracy…

Noam Chomsky: “We will overcome the coronavirus crisis, but we have more serious crises ahead of us”

Noam Chomsky, well-known 91-year-old American linguist and political analyst, spoke to Srećko Horvat on DiEM25 TV from Arizona US, where he is in self-isolation because of the pandemic. Chomsky pointed out that the health crisis of the coronavirus is very…

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