

If We’re Going to Defund Militarized Police Departments, Why Not Add the Pentagon?

The U.S. military’s budget, like so many police department budgets, is bloated, and diverts our tax dollars into forces of domination and violence. Now is the time to question our spending priorities at the local and federal level. By Sonali…

U.S. Trails World in Coronavirus Response and Almost Everything Else

Data from around the world on how nations are handling Coronavirus makes clear that, as in most things (this claim is documented below), the United States is exceptionally awful. Among wealthy countries, only Sweden, which has chosen to intentionally allow the disease…

More U.S Deaths in COVID-19 Pandemic Than in World War I

By Marc Norton More people have now died during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States than American soldiers died on the battlefields of World War I.  The acknowledged death toll of U.S. soldiers in the “Great War” is 116,516. …

30 Years After the Beginning of the End of Apartheid, Where is South Africa Going? Part I

February 11, 1990 the release of Nelson Mandela was announced. It was the beginning of the dismantling of the Apartheid system. The hopes for a change for the majority of the black population were high at the time. The reconciliation…

Russia’s Participation in G7 Summit Sparks Debates

By Kester Kenn Klomegah The rescheduling of the Group of Seven (G7) summit from late June to September and Russia’s participation alongside with Australia, India and South Korea has sparked discussions among both Russian officials and experts. The Kremlin reported…

Troop Reduction Debate

German government advisors: Washington could close US bases in Europe to more offensively engage against China. Independently of the Trump administration’s recent move in that direction, German government advisors are hinting of possible US troop reductions in Germany. In a…

Poor People’s Campaign Action: Assembly and Moral March on Washington

On Saturday, June 20, 2020, The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival will demonstrate the power of poor people to be agents of change in not just one election, but at the very heart of this democracy. …

Time to ‘Reinvest in People’ and ‘Cut Weapons of War’: Barbara Lee Unveils Plan to Cut Up to $350 Billion From Pentagon

“Redundant nuclear weapons, off-books spending accounts, and endless wars in the Middle East don’t keep us safe.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer – Common Dreams Demanding that Congress “prioritize our safety and our future, not more war,” Rep. Barbara Lee…

Angela Davis on Abolition, Calls to Defund Police, Toppled Racist Statues & Voting in 2020 Election

Amid a worldwide uprising against police brutality and racism, we discuss the historic moment with legendary scholar and activist Angela Davis. She also responds to the destruction and removal of racist monuments in cities across the United States; President Trump’s…

Marriage for All in Switzerland and Access to Sperm Donation for Lesbian Couples.

In Switzerland, same-sex couples should also be allowed to marry in the future. The Grand Chamber of Parliament decided so; the National Council also voted in favor of authorizing sperm donation for lesbian couples. However, the bill must overcome other…

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