

VenezolanosConBiden and MAGAzuela: Two sides of the same coin

By Leonardo Flores The Biden campaign held an online event on Wednesday, July 8 pitched as the former Vice President’s “vision for Venezuela and Venezuelans in the U.S.” Spoiler alert: his vision for Venezuela barely differs from President Trump. This…

Putin’s “Soft Authoritarian” Regime and Russian Freedom

Viewpoint by Jonathan Power* One of the founders of Russia’s Pussy Riot rock band, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, was interviewed at length on the BBC this past weekend. She has no time for President Vladimir Putin. When the group played inside the…

Norwegian Government Pension Fund: exclude nuclear weapons producers from investments

The ethical committee of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund recommended this week to include significant policy improvements on issues that PAX has advocated for, including nuclear weapons, lethal autonomous weapons and controversial arms trade. In brief, it builds the norm…

Free Palestine Movement comments on U.S Members of Congress move to block Israel’ Annexation of Palestinian West Bank Territories

The Free Palestine Movement accepts the positive statement by twelve members of the U.S. Congress to condition aid to “Israel” on blocking annexation of territories in the Palestinian West Bank. It is a gesture in the right direction, and we…

Getting it Right: COVID19 Vaccines Procurement

In recent weeks, there have been some notable developments in relation to the procurement of potential vaccines against COVID19. On June 3, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Italy announced the formation of the Inclusive Vaccine Alliance (IVA) in order to negotiate with…

Poland’s tumultuous election – what’s in it for Lithuania?

By Andrius Balčiūnas With the incumbent Andrzej Duda facing off the liberal mayor of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, LRT. lt spoke with experts about what the results of Poland’s presidential election might mean for Lithuania. Following a meeting with Lithuanian President…

Opinion: A European Green wave may be coming — finally

Whether in France, Ireland or Germany, Green parties are gaining ground in Europe. Even when they don’t make inroads into national governments, the planet wins, writes DW’s James Jackson. The world is currently in the grips of two era-defining crises.…

Hey Congress, Move the Money

The past month’s activism has changed a great deal. One thing it’s helped with is brushing aside the tired old argument over whether government should be big or small. In its place we have the much more useful argument over…

Trump, Mt. Rushmore, COVID and the KKK

Paha Sapa is the traditional name the Lakota people give the sacred center of their universe. The region is also known as The Black Hills, in South Dakota, home of Mount Rushmore, itself named after a gold rush lawyer and…

Igbo Women Seek Biafra, Voice Nigeria’s Bleak Future

Nigeria is one of the largest by territory with population (estimated currently at 206 million) and huge economy in Africa. Situated on the southern coast on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean, this country most often referred to…

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