

An earthquake shook Tanzania. A new law prohibits citizens from speaking about it online.

New online content regulations prohibit certain topics without government approval When a major earthquake of 6.0 on the Richter scale shook coastal East Africa at around 8:15 on August 12, Tanzanians quickly took to Twitter to report on the unusual…

Don’t be Hoodwinked by Trump’s UAE-Israel “Peace Deal”

By Medea Benjamin and Ariel Gold “HUGE breakthrough today,” crowed Donald Trump on twitter as he announced the new peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The deal makes the UAE the first Gulf Arab state and…

Save Our Storefronts (S.O.S.) call out until NYS takes action on commercial rent relief!!

Join us to hear updates about the SOS emergency legislation NYS Bill S-8865 on Wednesday, August 19th, 11 AM Register here Introduced by NYS Senator Brad Hoylman to the NYS Senate, the bill calls on commercial tenants, landlords and the…

Video: the invisible ideology trashing our planet

Brendan Montague An interview with George Monbiot and audio of his talk at the Gillian Lynne Theatre in London. If you get into debt buying your child branded trainers, if you fear redundancy, if you suffer anxiety about the future…

Belarus protests: Women line the streets of Minsk to protest Lukashenko’s crackdown

Brutal police crackdowns in Belarus prompted hundreds of women to protest in Minsk. France’s Emmanuel Macron raised the issue of “violence” with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. The UN has joined the chorus of disapproval. Hundreds of women took to the streets…

Why 5G Is the First Stage of a Tech War Between the U.S. and China

By Prabir Purkayastha The U.S. tech war on China continues, banning Chinese equipment from its network, and asking its Five Eyes partners and NATO allies to follow suit. It is a market and a technology denial regime that seeks to…

‘A Conspiracy to Steal the Election, Folks’: Alarms Sound After Postal Worker Reports Removal of Sorting Machines

The removal of key equipment from Post Offices should be viewed as nothing less than “sabotage,” said one observer. By Jake Johnson, staff writer – Common Dreams The head of the Iowa Postal Workers Union alleged Tuesday that mail sorting machines are…

Bolsonaro and WHO United in the Same Fight?

Jair Bolsonaro, just like Trump, claims that there is no epidemic from COVID-19 and shows himself smiling as he swallows chloroquine, thus projecting the image of a good-tempered and decidedly stupid despot. A lot of people make a simple reasoning:…

Coronavirus and “reception policies in the Greek islands”

The chronicles of recent days have reported the death of another human being in the Greek territory in the camp of Moria. This time it is a 21-year-old Afghan. According to the articles from the local press, the young man…

Of all the crimes that haunt him, Alvaro Uribe has been arrested for the least serious

While the former president and senator for the Democratic Centre Party (Centro Democratico in Spanish) is being investigated for alleged procedural fraud and bribery, his files in various judicial offices are still full of not yet resolved facts related to…

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