

BRICS 2020: Achievements and Future Challenges

By Kester Kenn Klomegah On November 17, under Russia’s BRICS Chairmanship, Vladimir Putin hosted the 12th BRICS Summit via videoconference. The leaders of Brazil, India, China and South Africa participated to discuss the state and prospects of cooperation within BRICS, discussed the global stability and security, and most importantly…

Moldovans elect their first female president

Maia Sandu beat Igor Dodon in Sunday’s runoff vote Maia Sandu is set to become Moldova’s first female president after winning a landslide victory in Sunday’s election. According to preliminary figures from Moldova’s Central Electoral Commission (CEC), Sandu took 57.7…

Africa’s governance performance declines for the first time in a decade, finds 2020 Ibrahim Index of African Governance

Mo Ibrahim, Chair of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, says: “This is a testing time for Africa. Pre-existing weaknesses and challenges in African governance, as uncovered by the 2020 IIAG, are exacerbated by COVID-19, which also threatens economic progress. Citizens’ dissatisfaction…

Revising Our Moral Values: A Society Not Based on Work

By Flavio Del Santo In memory of David Graeber (1961-2020), whose untimely death deprived contemporary anarchist ideology of one of its finest thinkers Why do we (and should we) work? We are today going through a global pandemic which inevitably…

2020 elections: where the left grew, where the liberal right maintained its hegemony

Brasil de Fato Daniel Giovanaz e Igor Carvalho The largest cities in the country, São Paulo (SP) and Rio de Janeiro (RJ) will have a second round of voting on November The 2020 municipal elections will be marked by the…

Chile – Traps to the real Constitution Change

by Cecilia Capanna Tomás Hirsch, independent Chilean parliamentarian, founder of Acción Humanista and two-times candidate for the Presidency of the Republic of Chile, explains how the Yes to the referendum on 25 October could run into traps that could affect…

Beyond empires, the Universal Human Nation

The post-election landscape in the United States of America is an indecent spectacle. Once again the discrepancy between the discourse that propagates democratic values and actual political practice in that country is confirmed. Various analysts have pointed out on many…

E. Salvanou: in the country an agenda against every kind of civil rights is being played out

By Emilia Salvanou*. “Streets and protests carry the virus and give birth to disease” (Michalis Chrisochoidis, Greek Minister of Citizen Protection, 14.11.2020) In striking opposition with the recent decision of the European Parliament that the corona pandemic should not be…

Lost Causes, from the Confederacy to Trump

President Donald Trump has embarked on a lost cause akin to that embraced by Southerners after the Confederacy was crushed. That historical “Lost Cause” falsely posited that the U.S. Civil War was fought not to defend slavery, but, rather, to…

Luis Arce, President of Bolivia: “Let’s rebuild the country and live in peace”

November the 8th, Luis Arce was declared the new President of Bolivia. During the inauguration ceremony, after being sworn in before the multinational Legislative Assembly, the incoming President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia stated as follows: “On this November…

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