

Biden Has a Chance to Oversee Biggest River Restoration Project in U.S. History

Removing four dams would promote salmon recovery, clean energy, agriculture and Indigenous rights. By Amy Souers Kober It’s hard to put into words what wild salmon mean to the Pacific Northwest. They are the heartbeat of the region’s rivers, and…

The colours of Western Sahara flood the centre of Madrid, calling on Spain to fulfil its obligation as an administering power

This Saturday, 19 June, saw the closing of the March for the Freedom of the Sahrawi People, with a demonstration that brought together tens of thousands of Spaniards and Sahrawis to demand that the government of Pedro Sánchez assume the…

Bernie Sanders to U.S. establishment: Don’t start a Cold War with China

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders warned the political establishment in Washington against casting China as an “existential threat” to the United States and urged it not to start a new Cold War with China on Thursday. In his opinion piece for…

Philippine Elections 2022: TheNewPH Campaign for Voter Registration

SOCIAL MEDIA         A day after the annual Philippine independence day which is celebrated every June 12, my Facebook newsfeed showed posts like this. Following the hashtags reveal a campaign launched and spearheaded by Mega Magazine, a…

Biden in Europe: To Contain China, Restructuring the Global Disorder

President Biden’s European sojourn has been a signal effort to restructure the global disorder to reinforce U.S. hegemony and to contain and manage China’s rise. Not limited to NATO’s new 2030 doctrine which reinforces U.S. Indo-Pacific military dominance with European…

Goodbye to an AUMF

With the U.S. House voting and the U.S. Senate promising to vote on repealing an AUMF (Authorization for the Use of Military Force) from 2002 (essentially a sort of weasely pseudo-permission for President George W. Bush to decide on his…

Climate Crisis Can Lead to Improved Social Cooperation and Economy

A new study on the effects of climate crises in ancient Mesopotamia found increased cooperation and a more widespread distribution of power. By April M. Short The going assumption is that the impacts of climate disasters on institutions and economics…

Colombia burns: it’s not about “tax reform”, it’s about hunger and dignity

By Amerika21 The millions of poor in an enormously rich country can no longer bear to choose between very little and nothing. They have very little to lose. The tax reform proposal of 2021 was the straw that broke the camel’s back.…

The First MeRA25 Party Congress

Sofia Sakorafa with the Ambassador of Palestine, Marwan Toubassi. Photograph by Pressenza The first party congress of Mera25 (DiEM25’s Greek Electoral Wing) took place over three days: 4-6 June. The party already has a presence in the Greek parliament following the results of the…

International Peace Bureau Call for Bold Steps at Biden Putin Summit

“Given that human survival lies in the balance of U.S.-Russian relations and tensions, we need more than an exchange of views and cautious steps to improve strategic stability. For humanity’s sake, we urge the U.S. and Russian leaders to re-imagine…

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