

Understanding the Basics of 21st-Century Democracy, Autocracy, and Capitalism

Democracy exists if and when a community organizes its self-governance around the full participation, on an equal basis, of all the members of the community. Its other, autocracy, exists when a community organizes (or allows) its governance by an individual…

…And when Alberto woke up, the debt, the hunger and the poverty were still there

In Sunday’s legislative primary elections, Peronism obtained 31% of the vote, one of the worst results in its history, with no detachments to explain such a large loss of votes, anchored in poor management, the consequences of the pandemic and…

Argentina: No Vote Punishment

The palace of the two Congresses in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Image by 139904/pixabay) In Argentina, the phenomenon of a hard setback for the ruling parties in elections during a pandemic context was repeated once again. Understandably, managing the state in…

My truth. Open letter from Diego Ancalao Gavilán to the diverse peoples of Chile

1.- Introduction. Silently processing the hard moment. Throughout these difficult days, and until today that I write this letter, I had decided to process in silence and in deep reflection, the circumstances of my frustrated presidential candidacy. This decision goes…

Winners of ‘Talibanistan’

by Saleem Samad Dhaka, Bangladesh: Outspoken physicist Prof Pervez Hoodbhoy is based in Pakistan. In his popular column in the Dawn newspaper, published from Karachi says that Russia and the United States are squarely responsible for Afghanistan’s tragedy but Pakistan…

The crucifixion of the pianist and enlightened corruption

At the very moment when the media pack is alone in the dubious enterprise of tearing apart the image of the unfortunate Rodrigo Rojas Vade, an episode that is so well oiled in the strategy of delegitimising and discrediting the…

Lies are also the daughter of impunity

The deception perpetrated by a constituent, who in order to be elected made the electorate believe that he had terminal cancer, and even disguised himself as a serious patient, is undoubtedly one of the most severe embarrassments of our politics.…

OP-ED: What lies ahead for the Taliban?

Economy, hunger, drought, poverty are challenges the Taliban now faces While world leaders and international organizations are eagerly awaiting for the chicken to hatch from the Taliban’s government, they have begun to implement the Islamic Sharia to govern the nation…

Indian Farmers’ Protest: Karnal Day-Night Dharma

AIKMS GS, Dr. Ashish Mital, KKU Press Secretary Jatinder Chinna and several AIKMS members participated in the Karnal protest, September 8, 2021 at the Mini Secretariat and extended support to farmers. Karnal farmers, led by SKM are sitting on a…

Chile. Referente Político Social: A popular response from below and outside to the multidimensional crisis of oppression

After the so-called Social Outburst of 18 October 2019, a set of expressions and possibilities of organisation emerged from the interests of the oppressed, independently of the state, the political system and the propertied classes. By Andrés Figueroa Cornejo It…

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