

Chile Is at the Dawn of a New Political Era

“It feels like we are at the end of an era,” Bárbara Sepúlveda tells me on October 12, 2021. Sepúlveda is a member of Chile’s Constitutional Convention and of the Communist Party of Chile. The era to which Sepúlveda refers…

On corporate power, disenfranchisement of working people and resistance

The Cologne-based publicist and “interventionist philosopher,” as Werner Rügemer calls himself, has been critically examining the privatization of the world and the predations of powerful corporations and institutions for decades. With “Imperium EU – Labor injustice, crisis, new resistances” he…

Penelope Moro “Bolivia must put an end to impunity because we cannot allow this to happen again”.

With the support of more than 100 human rights organisations, the family of Sebastián Moro launched an international campaign a few days ago to demand justice for the Argentinean journalist murdered in Bolivia during the coup d’état against Evo Morales…

Kidnapping Becomes Mozambican Flourishing Business

While Mozambique is fighting militant attacks by deploying regional force, the frequency of kidnapping for ransom money, especially local and foreign business executives, presents serious signs of the deteriorating security situation and has negative effects of business climate in country. …

The conquest of America: the situation of the indigenous today

The creation of nation states in America went hand in hand with the creation of “normal schools” whose educational objective was to homogenise the population on the basis of a single culture, European culture. From there, the prevailing narrative was…

Italy: Serious attack on democracy

On 9 October, militants of the neo-fascist extreme right took advantage of a massive demonstration in Rome, called to protest against the compulsory vaccination certificate [1] against Covid-19, to go towards the Italian government and violently attack the national headquarters…

Demands for freedom for political prisoners continue in Jujuy, Argentina

Milagro Sala was arrested on 16 January 2016 on the orders of Governor Gerardo Morales. On that day, a web of legal cases was unleashed to sustain her illegal imprisonment, for an indefinite period of time. The persecution was extended…

The monsters are on a tour of Chile

Today, with regard to the constituent process that is taking place in our country, I am reminded of the phrase of the philosopher and ideologist Antonio Gramsci who wrote that “the old world is dying; the new one takes time…

Our preparations to observe Sheikh Russel Day

by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury Sheikh Russel, the youngest son of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the greatest Bengali nation of all time, was brutally murdered on 15 August 1975 along with the Father of the Nation and…

Afghanistan Tackles the Islamic State

On October 8, a terrible blast struck the worshippers attending Friday noon prayers at the Gozar-e-Sayed Abad Mosque in the Khan Abad district of Bandar, the capital of Kunduz, one of Afghanistan’s largest cities in its northern belt. This is…

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