

U.S. Politicians Spend Their Time Papering Over the Social Problems Caused by Profit-Driven Capitalism

The declines of U.S. capitalism and of its imperial position provoke fear among its mainstream politicians. Their response, in large part, has been to deny that any such decline is happening. These politicians do this partly by acting as though…

Deforestation for gold mining has increased by 90% in the Amazon region

Gold mining is already the second biggest cause of deforestation in the Madre de Dios region of the Peruvian Amazon, according to a scientific study. Deforestation caused by gold mining has increased by 90 % in the southwest of the…

Magic, reality and hope

Latin America is a continent where magic is permanently mixed with reality, from the streets of Macondo in García Márquez’s “100 Years of Solitude”, the stories and novels of Cortázar, or those of Horacio Quiroga and so many others, we…


Lima, 21 January 2022 Mrs. Mirtha Esther Vásquez Chuquilín Mirtha Esther Vásquez Chuquilín President of the Council of Ministers Present. Subject: We, the trade unions of Petróleos del Perú Petroperú, in view of the serious and irremediable damage caused by…

Encourage us to transform! FCINA Communicators’ Forum gives a political reading of the current situation

Under the title “Encourage us to transform!”, the Forum of Communication for the Integration of Our America (FCINA) released a document containing the Forum’s reading of the current political situation. In its most general statements, the text points out that…

Humanitarian emergency for the Wichi people in Salta: Stop territorial eviction!

The indigenous peoples’ organisations of the NOA stand in solidarity and say no more genocide in the pre-existing indigenous communities! We express our indignation and concern for the inhuman conditions that the population belonging to the Indigenous Peoples of the…

Ruling Out Social Democracy as an Option – And a Way to Rule it Back In

A decisive misunderstanding prolonging today´s mega crisis is the lingering belief that social democracy, as it existed in Europe during the thirty glorious years after World War II, and in a different form in the USA during the four terms…

Chilean President-elect presents his ministerial team

Early this morning Gabriel Boric presented those who will make up his cabinet from 11 March. The team is made up of 14 women and 10 men. The new president, who is about to turn 36 and will be the…

“Have reverence for life” – Interview with ecocentrist Fred Hageneder on climate disruption, species extinction and our future on Earth

Heat waves, droughts, floods and wildfires are on the rise, the IPCC and the UN are sounding the alarm bells. Recently, even a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA (United States Weather and Oceanographic Administration) attested the…

What “freedom” are you talking about?

Source: Laura Arroyo Gárate. News One day freedom said to the law: ‘You are in my way’. The law replied to freedom: ‘I keep you’. (Pythagoras) There is a common thread that links cases that seem distant but are…

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