

Guatemala, a country corrupt to the core

Or from the ground up As if it wasn’t enough to live with a narco-state that violates with police and army, by air, sea and land, and imposes curfews and a state of siege on the native populations who fight…

No recess for reconciliation: Poor People’s Campaign joint actions at senators’ offices across the country

The New York State Poor People’s Campaign holds Moral Witness Wednesday: Economic Investment for the People with a news conference and rally at the Long Island office of Senator Schumer to demand that he embrace the Build Back Better plan…

North Africa: Kabylia facing the Algerian colonial regime

Kabylia is inhabited by a people of peace who aspire to free themselves from all forms of colonialism, they fight peacefully for their freedoms and their autonomy in order to build a modern and free nation. Kabyle activists are subject…

Pakistan should apologize to Bangladesh by December 16, 2021

by Pathik Hasan December 16, 2021 is knocking on the door. Bangladesh will celebrate its 50th  victory day anniversary with full spirit. On December 16, 1971, almost 93,000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered in Dhaka, leading to the creation of the sovereign…

Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley challenges the major powers at COP 26

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, delivered a powerful speech this week at this year’s COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Do some leaders in this world believe they can survive on their own? Have they not learned from…

The excuse of job creation in military investments

When the General State Budget is presented, the Minister of Defence of the day insists that the multimillion-dollar expenditure dedicated to the purchase of armaments generates employment. But, as the authors point out, a comparison of the jobs created in…

As the Planet Wants to Go Green, France Has a Nuclear Habit It Just Cannot Kick

On July 28, French President Emmanuel Macron landed in Tahiti and said that France owed a “debt” to French Polynesia. The debt was related to approximately 200 nuclear tests France conducted in the 118 islands and atolls that comprise this…

Boric’s programme ensures social stability

There are four factors of the current neoliberal model that generate instability and violence in the country and, at the same time, limit economic progress: discrimination against women; environmental deterioration; economic and political centralism; and indecent work. Boric’s proposal seeks…

Joe David: “War ~ in Ethiopia got me thinking”

Joe David, a community leader for Ethiopians in Korea, a migrant himself and naturalized citizen, has a background in diplomacy and studied masters at Yonsei University in Seoul. And, he has been working for a long time in legal, international…

Chile: institutional violence (II)

Unfortunately, institutional violence has accompanied us throughout almost all of our republican history. Ever since the bloody battle of Lircay imposed an extremely authoritarian and conservative de facto order, well disguised in the Constitution of 1833. As Diego Portales himself…

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