

George Monbiot: “Behind every fascist movement there is a billionaire.

“The courage of environmental activists gives me hope,” says George Monbiot, a well-known columnist for The Guardian newspaper. He speaks of the “existential crisis” facing polluting industries. George Monbiot is the most prominent environmental columnist in the English-speaking world. His…

While some fight for regional integration, others bomb it

The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), in the Kingstown Declaration, outlined several measures to be taken to achieve greater regional integration and development, such as cooperation in the health sector or the need for more air links…

Immigration and the cruelty of politics

At the opening of the XXIII Congress of the Nonviolent Movement (Brescia, 2010), Daniele Lugli, the outgoing president, pointed to nonviolence as the key to overcoming conflicts both near and far. Among the closest are those related to the management…

Psychosocial or the beginning of an escalation of the war?

In what appears to be a move to pressure the United States to spend more money to support Ukraine and to pressure German Chancellor Scholz to decide to send long-range missiles – such as the Taurus cruise missile, which can…

We don’t need a “Rules-Based Order.” We need a U.S. government that obeys laws.

The Problem The Vetoes Since 1972, the U.S. government has been far and away the leading user of the veto in the UN Security Council, often blocking the will of every or nearly every other national government on Earth. It…

Current situation Europe-Russia

Two major developments have made themselves felt all over the world. In terms of the battle of the NATO-Russia narrative, Tucker Carlson’s interview with Putin has been a before and after, both in terms of numbers and content. As of…

Venezuela and Mexico sign agreement on migration

A solution to the migration crisis. In an attempt to find a solution to the migration crisis in the Americas, as in the rest of the world, the countries of Venezuela and Mexico have signed a comprehensive migration agreement to…

Peruvians say inequality between men and women has worsened

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, CALANDRIA reveals that almost 50% of Peruvians believe that inequality between men and women has worsened. The survey Percepciones ciudadanas: las cifras de la desigualdad, carried out by the Asociación de Comunicadores Sociales…

Argentina: Fears of spillover discontent

Before his speech opening the legislative sessions, Argentina’s far-right president Javier Milei argued that “as long as Congress has its current composition, we believe it will be difficult to pass reforms,” leaving the impression that he plans to rule by…

Gaza, Israel and the Space of Possibility

How To Begin? For over a week now I’ve been trying to figure out a way to compose this article in a form that doesn’t alienate those who are open to hearing new information about this topic. On the other…

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