

Palestine: Unfulfilled rights, unfulfilled promises

Since 1977, on or around 29 November every year, the United Nations has commemorated the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The date was chosen because of its significance for the Palestinian people. On this day in 1947,…

Killer Robots: Negotiate New Law to Protect Humanity

Legal Uncertainty, Growing Concerns Show Urgent Need for Regulation Governments should open negotiations to adopt new international law on lethal autonomous weapons systems, also known as “killer robots.” Existing international law is not adequate to address the urgent threats posed…

Indian Farmers’ Protest: Important Decisions Made during the latest Samyukta Kisan Morcha Meeting

*Samyukta Kisan Morcha Press Bulletin* 373rd day, 4th December 2021 * Samyukt Kisan Morcha held an important meeting yesterday and decided to continue with the farmers’ struggle till formal and satisfactory response from the Government of India is obtained –…

Honduras: “A vote of punishment for those who sank the country”.

Massive vote and overwhelming victory for Xiomara Castro and the opposition coalition. Reconciliation does not mean impunity. When, on Sunday night, the electoral authorities released the first preliminary report showing the presidential candidate of the opposition alliance, Xiomara Castro, leading…

The inclusion of digital rights in Chile’s new Constitution

There are times when windows of opportunity open up to advance the rights of peoples and at the same time allow for the adaptation of norms to new situations. In Chile, this possibility is emerging with the drafting of a…

Declaration of CEHUM-Alétheia in the face of the second round of the presidential elections in Chile

IN VIEW OF THE RESULTS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND THE SECOND ROUND, THE CENTRE FOR HUMANIST STUDIES CEHUM-ALÉTHEIA DECLARES: As a Centre for Studies, we see with concern in the programme of Candidate José Antonio Kast a civilisational step…

Hondurans break the siege of the US-backed narco-government: Xiomara Castro, new president of Honduras

Brian Nichols, the State Department’s top official in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, visited Honduras the week before the presidential elections. The objective was to “promote the peaceful and transparent conduct of free and fair national elections”. Nichols did…

American Express Goes on a Buying Spree in Argentina’s Congress

I was told that a man by the name of John Doe passed through the offices of Argentine congressmen. He wasn’t carrying heavy bags of cash, but only had an American Express card on him. Doe was a well-groomed and…

Peru: Democracy and the dismissal of the government

Representatives of the opposition bench in the Peruvian Congress have openly called for the impeachment of the President of Peru, José Pedro Castillo Terrones, on the grounds that he is permanently morally unfit to govern and is causing political instability…

Indian farmers’ protest continues until the farm laws are satisfactorily repealed

*Samyukta Kisan Morcha Press Bulletin* 369th day, 30th November 2021  *Samyukt Kisan Morcha clarifies that all constituent organizations of SKM will take stock of the situation and take decisions about the next steps in the farmers’ struggle on December 4th,…

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