

Gaza / Israel: International Court of Justice (ICJ) to hear Nicaragua’s case against Germany

“We fear that this already catastrophic situation, as many Palestinians celebrate the holy month of Ramadan – a period that should honor peace and tolerance – will slide deeper into the abyss if Israel launches its threatened military offensive on…

Argentina: Social peace (what little was left) at high risk

The sad events that took the lives of a taxi driver and a bus driver in the city of Rosario are well-known throughout the country. These events are being investigated by the courts, while the government, in a show of…

Extreme police violence in the CIE: another reflection of institutionalized xenophobia

New testimonies from former prisoners and anti-racist activists once again denounce the daily beatings, humiliations, and degradations that take place in these places with total impunity. By Alejandra Mateo Fano/El Salto diario In mid-February, the brutal beatings suffered by more…

The Birth of the American Uniparty and the Rise of the Multi-Polar World Order

The 21st Century Fusion I’m going to wager that many of you who are reading this have noticed the fact that the primary loyalties and core agendas of both major US political parties seem to be blending more and more…

Are we moving from indirect war to direct war against Russia?

The last weeks of February were fertile with developments concerning the war between the US/NATO and Russia in Ukraine. The dangers facing the world, and in particular Europe, are materializing and becoming more threatening. From the hodgepodge of disparate and…

Cruelty and misogyny, are the keys to contempt for citizens’ rights

Javier Milei came to power by displaying his contempt for the expansion of rights in general, and the agenda of the women’s movement in particular (“violence has no gender”, “there is no wage gap”). His criticisms of what he calls…

Quo vadis Portugal? A clear shift to the right after yesterday’s elections: but to which?

The Socialist Party (PS) has been in power in Portugal for nine years, the first seven in parliamentary coalition with small left-wing parties and the last two with an absolute majority. In November last year, the President of the Republic…

68 scientists Nobel Prize-winner signed a letter against the adjustment of Argentinean science

CCT CONICET Córdoba, grateful for the support of these outstanding scientific personalities, shares the letter to reaffirm its commitment to quality science at the service of the Argentinean people. Sixty-eight world leaders in medicine, chemistry, physics, and economics have signed…

State of the Union: War and Genocide Are Still the American Way

President Biden’s State of the Union address made one thing clear: war, genocide, and militarism remain the American way. From Gaza to Ukraine, from the Middle East to the borders of our nation, the toll of violence from militarism is…

What Is Happening in Europe!!!

It seems Europe and the European Union are sliding into total madness. I do not mean the populations, but our non-elected masters in Brussels and our so-called politicians, inside and outside the governments. Something very dark and ugly is happening…

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