

Yanis Varoufakis: The speech that I could not deliver because German police burst into our Berlin venue to disband our Palestine Congress

The speech that I could not deliver because German police burst into our Berlin venue to disband our Palestine Congress (1930s style). Judge for yourselves the kind of society Germany is becoming when its police bans the following words: Friends,…

In times of rupture, building the integration of peoples.

Several events of related significance have marked the political landscape of Latin America and the Caribbean in recent days. First, the illegal armed invasion of the Mexican embassy in Ecuador to kidnap former vice-president Jorge Glas, who had requested political…

Popular pharmacies on trial

A few months ago, we published an interview with the mayor of Recoleta, Santiago de Chile, Daniel Jadue. In November this year, he will end his third and final term in office, having implemented social programs with a broad impact,…

Another case of shameful impunity

The newspaper El Mercurio, the main mouthpiece of the right-wing and big business in Chile, dedicated two separate pages to the death of Sergio Fernández, considered the most prominent civilian in the service of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. First as his…

The EU seems to be in a different galaxy

Either the lunatics are running the collective madhouse of the West, or, as Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on 22 March, “I feel as if I have arrived in another galaxy”. By Sara Madueño Paulet It is “unthinkable”, he…

Argentina: the resumption of carnal relations with the United States

In a clear sign of the new carnal relations with the United States, Argentina’s libertarian President Javier Milei flew to Ushuaia, the southernmost city in the world, to meet with the head of the US Southern Command, General Laura Richardson,…

Paraguay created “zero hunger” law

The Paraguayan Congress has approved the ‘Zero Hunger in Schools’ bill, presented by the executive to alleviate this serious social problem, which has led to criticism and protests from university students. The law was approved by the Senate and the…

Carbon Emissions Reduction Rate in U.S. Has Doubled Since Passage of Inflation Reduction Act, Report Finds

The rate of carbon emissions cuts in the United States has doubled since the passage of President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), according to a new report by Clean Investment Monitor. By Cristen Hemingway Jaynes Since the IRA was passed in 2022, more than…

Emmanuel Macron, a flight-forward devotee

Donald Trump said that he would not protect a European country that does not pay its share within NATO. This was all that it took for Emmanuel Macron to feel invested in a new mission to replace the possible end…

Argentina: a nervous top and a bottom that is already moving

The application of neoliberal-libertarian dogma has plunged Argentina into its worst crisis in more than two decades in the space of a hundred days, thanks to a government that has – deliberately – pulverized the purchasing power of workers and…

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