

The evil pharmaceutical companies

Why do I call them evil? Because they live off the sickness and misfortune of others, and the sicker people are there, the more they rejoice, because the more they earn. An arms manufacturer can say that he makes them…

Nurturing Inner Peace and Global Awareness in Youth around the World

Peace Pals is an international program designed to encourage youth, ages 5-16 to become peacemakers dedicated to living in the spirit of the words “May Peace Prevail On Earth.” Peace Pals fosters understanding and respect for the diversity and oneness…

In Global Day of Action on Gaza, Protesters Condemn U.S. Arming of Israel

Major protests against Israel’s assault on Gaza were held Saturday in a worldwide day of action. In San Francisco, police fired pepper spray and hit protesters with batons as a march passed the Israeli Consulate. Thousands also marched in New…

Gaza, Israel and the Space of Possibility

How To Begin? For over a week now I’ve been trying to figure out a way to compose this article in a form that doesn’t alienate those who are open to hearing new information about this topic. On the other…

World Mobilization against Genocide and in favor of laRouche’s “Oasis Plan”

ONLY DEVELOPMENT CAN GUARANTEE LASTING PEACE Feb. 24, 2024.- While the United States vetoed for the third time at the UN Security Council the resolution presented by Algeria calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, arguing that “to demand an…

Outdated Narratives Have Humanity in a Downward Spiral—It’s Time to Tell ‘Stories for Life’

A short film and narratives project “Stories for Life” seeks to bring about the shift in culture that humanity needs to survive. By April M. Short The stories we do and don’t tell about ourselves and these times in which…

The Inspiring Movement to Build for Climate Resiliency

Architects and everyday people are teaching each other to build spaces for community and climate resilience using local, natural materials. By April M. Short The way we build our structures and organize our cities can have a significant impact on…

At the Beach

At the beach is An ocean of time.   Where to discover anew, leafy shapes Clear against the blue of the sky. Sun’s rays, glittering down Diamonds upon the crests of waves. The texture of tree trunks Brush scored and…

Accelerating Ocean Heat Breaks All-Time Records

The North Atlantic Ocean temperature is on a red-hot streak. New research finds ocean temperatures… “have now smashed previous heat records for at least seven years in a row.” (Source: Lijing Cheng, et al, New Record Ocean Temperatures and Related…

Women Workers for Health Empowerment Network (WHEN) launches “Stronger Together than Cancer”: A Cervical Cancer Elimination in the Workplace Campaign 

Quezon City, March 3, 2024 – The Women Workers for Health Empowerment Network (WHEN), in partnership with Jhpiego through its Centralized Laboratory Model for HPV Screening (CLAMS) Project, Quezon City Health Department, Department of Health, Department of Labor and Employment…

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