

Beijing celebrates traditional Russian holiday Maslenitsa in style

“People from many countries came together without prejudice and just enjoyed the spirit of the folk festival,” one of the visitors said. The Russian capital is currently hosting the traditional Russian holiday “Maslenitsa”, an activity that is part of the…

Argentina: Social peace (what little was left) at high risk

The sad events that took the lives of a taxi driver and a bus driver in the city of Rosario are well-known throughout the country. These events are being investigated by the courts, while the government, in a show of…

Diana Reappears: A new neighborhood memorial

By Maxine Lowy* Blessed is the match consumed in kindling flame Blessed is the flame that burns in the heart’s secret places.  Hannah Szenes, 1944 On a southern hemisphere spring afternoon in 1974, on November 18 to be exact, a…

Sofia Orr, young Israeli conscientious objector: “My generation wasn’t born to kill or get killed”

Sofia Orr was sentenced yesterday to a second 20 days term in military prison for refusing to enlist in the Israeli army. Here is a letter she wrote about the shooting of Palestinians trying to get food. In a recent…

The ten years enforced disappearances of Baloch students leader, Zahid and Asad Baloch

The enforced disappearances of Baloch student leaders Zahid Baloch and Asad Baloch have completed ten years. Ten years ago, on this day, Pakistani law enforcement agencies abducted the two Baloch student leaders from Quetta, the capital city of Balochistan, on…

RSS Extends Support to Sandeshkhali Victim Women

Guwahati: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Swayamsevaks and the Sangh-inspired organizations support the victim women of Sandeshkhali (West Bengal) in their movement for justice. During a press briefing at Nagpur (Maharashtra) on Sunday, RSS  Sarkaryavah Dattatreya Hosabale also mentioned the recent meeting…

Warning Out on Weight Loss Products Containing Banned Sibutramine

18 March 2024, Quezon City. The toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition is calling on consumers to be wary of products marketed as fat-burning supplements for weight loss as some of these products may contain sibutramine, an anti-obesity drug that can…

Asian Study Reveals Endocrine-disrupting Chemicals Found in Personal Care Products from the Philippines

In a press briefing in time for the observance of World Consumer Rights Month, BAN Toxics, a chemical and waste management NGO, discloses the findings of recent laboratory testing indicating the presence of parabens, triclosan, and triclocarban, classified as endocrine-disrupting…

PPFA Appreciates Assamese Society on CAA Understanding

Guwahati, India: Appreciating the mainstream Assamese society for taking rational views on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019 despite provocative statements from some so-called intellectuals, journalists, and political analysts, the Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA) urges both the governments in…

Greenland Cascading 30 Million Tons Per Hour

Facing recently conducted an interview about spooky new developments in Greenland. The ice sheet is cascading/gushing at unheard-of rates never dreamed possible at this stage of global warming, or during any stage for that matter. The video opens with…

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