

Virtual Beauty, Virtual Freedom, Virtual Love: Is the Metaverse Our Future?

When is the last time you were outside in the morning to experience a glorious dawn? Or sat watching the sun set across the ocean horizon? How do you feel when you touch the skin of someone you love? A…

Discrimination at Nightclubs

Discrimination happens everywhere, and clubs are no exception. What we usually don’t think is how securities are also victims. John Smith, a security guard, talks about his experience with racism from costumers. For another perspective, Emily Nasser, presents her own…

Towards a sociology of the native peoples of Peru

The fact that 48 native languages are spoken in Peru is an indicator of the complexity of “being Peruvian”. We propose a look beyond multilingualism in order to achieve true social inclusion. From a socio-historical perspective, afterwards the discovery of…

Missed opportunities

Citizen action is the most effective weapon against abuse of authority. The possibility of bringing about change in a political, economic and social system, such as those currently prevailing in our countries, which are advancing so precariously under pseudo-capitalist regimes…

The media-constitutional terrorism of Rejection in Chile: Fake News Carnival

“Most of the polls will say every day, until the last one, that the Rejection wins; that’s what they are paid for. If they instill fear in you, there is nothing left to do but, as in the dictatorship, overcome…

Libya’s Power Cuts Angry Citizens and Protests Rise: UN Secretary Claims For Peace

António Guterres, the UN secretary-general, has asked for peace and calm, especially during the public protests that are generally increasing across Libya over power cuts and failure to hold elections. The poor economic conditions and the rise of oil and…

Greece: Redefining the human-nature relationship

From June 30 until July 2, the 2nd Youth Lifelong Learning Festival took place in Larissa, Greece. It was held at Mill of Pappas, a cultural heritage museum at the edge of the city center, and included concerts, theatrical performances,…

Free Leonard Peltier and all political prisoners, meetings to break the silence

On the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the Oglala events, which took place on June 26, 1975 in the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, numerous initiatives were held to remember the story of Leonard Peltier and demand his…

Daniel León presented “The Legacy of Akop” on the impending singularity that will transform humanity

On Thursday 30 June, the presentation of the most recent book by the prominent humanist Daniel León took place. Singularity: “In the middle of this century the process of four billion years of evolution will be completed. I like to…

If only Picasso would raise his head!

Several media outlets have echoed in recent days how well the Spanish government had sold its culture to the NATO summit leaders and their companions in Madrid. The frivolity with which the events were broadcast was such that they seemed…

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