

Long live Gorby

When in 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev took over as General Secretary of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union), which was de facto equivalent to a presidency of the USSR, succeeding three gerontes (Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko), few imagined that…

The Three Stooges (A Geopolitical Update)

Four Things To Know Before You Read On I do not nor have I ever supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I have made this clear in almost all of my previous writings about the conflict and feel no need to…

Geo-tagging and Cultural Mapping (Scoping and Negotiation Phase) in Guinluthangan,  Milagros, Masbate

On August 25, 2022, the Milagros LGU Municipal Planning and Development Officer (MPDO) Jessica F. Madrilejos, with other LGU personnel were deployed to conduct the last day of geo-tagging activities at Guinluthangan Island (formerly named Puro). The team members were…

Superheroes do exist!

“Don’t worry, I’ll pass on my arachnid powers and you’ll be cured. But you have to believe it. Tomorrow, maybe not. Maybe not the day after, either. But you’ll see how little by little you’ll feel better until you’re cured.…

A conversation with Charlie Fish about his short story collection, “The Man Who Married Himself.” Part I

In 2018, Charlie Fish published my short story, “‘My Love Ana’—Tommy” in Fiction on the Web. Charlie, a New York native, has been publishing stories online since 1996 and now lives in London. In addition to publishing and editing other authors,…

Did the West ‘Bring War’ to Ukraine? One Expert Makes the Case

The seven-month war in Ukraine, and the role of NATO, especially the Atlanticist powers, are fueled by an official western narrative that depicts the conflict as one between the plucky little Ukrainian David and the brutish Goliath that is Russia.…

Is the U.S. Legal System at War With Its People?

Incarcerations, brutality, and torture are common in the U.S. Activists claim that this amounts to a war waged against racially marginalized, poor, and working-class people. By Natalia Marques The very laws and government agencies created to protect the people in…

Hope grows amid Burma’s crushing military coup – NGO graduates 25 “agents of change”

by Perfecto Caparas INDIANAPOLIS – Showcasing their resilience and undying hope despite the covid-19 pandemic and military junta’s atrocities, 25 students graduated recently from the National University of the Union of Myanmar (NUUM). During their commencement ceremonies on August 27,…

Gustavo Petro’s “total peace” plan and how it could shape the notion of security in Colombia.

In his inaugural speech, Petro said, “peace is the meaning of my life, and it is the hope of Colombia” his words resonated in the ears and hearts of an entire nation striving to overcome the grief of war. The…

Localization: Bringing about Buen Vivir to address climate fluctuations and globalization

Today, there exists what in my estimation is an unprecedented moment for altering the course of human history. The hopes and dreams for a more equitable, peaceful, just and livable world now have an opening for their realization as never…

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