

Starting with food to ensure human rights

On Saturday 10 December, Human Rights Day, it will be 74 years since the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document that enshrines the rights and freedoms of all human beings. As far as the right…

Spain: No appointments, no rights

Applicants for international protection denounce that they find themselves without the right to be so, as Spain has failed to fulfil its obligation to protect them by not facilitating access to the application for such protection. For this reason, on…

New York Times Strike: From Reporters to Rabble-Rousers

Workers at the “newspaper of record” stopped working to demand better pay and labor rights—but only for a day. What would happen if they actually flexed their power? By Sonali Kolhatkar Strike activity in the United States appears to have reached…

Face 2 Face with Diane Sare

On this show, we speak with Diane Sare, an anti-war activist and the only candidate against nuclear weapons, running for U.S. Senate in New York State.  She is looking to break the Political duopoly in the US and push back…

Venezuelan Political Prisoner on Trial in Miami Refuses to “Sing”

Starting December 12, an evidentiary hearing before the US Southern District Court of Florida is considering a case of historic importance. Is the US above international law? Can international conventions on diplomatic immunity be violated by US courts and prosecutors?…

Rewarding “Good” Companies—How the Economy for the Common Good Wants to Change the World

The Economy for the Common Good (ECG) is an alternative to the existing economic model of capitalism, including the pursuit of profit and constant growth. The ultimate goal is a good life for all people. The idea: the state supports…

Ukraine War Evolves: Who Will Awaken Rip Van Winkle?

Disdaining Diplomacy, Seeking Victory Prefatory Note: This is the third iteration of an essay on the evolution of the Ukraine War, the earlier two versions published online in Transcend Media Service (TMS) and CounterPunch. The essential argument remains: war-mongering geopolitics…

Counter-coup: The anti-democratic subversion of the right-wing in Latin America resumes

While millions of eyes – including this reporter’s – devour the colourful incidents of the circus staged by the Qatari dynastic monarchy in collusion with FIFA, other events, perhaps much more relevant to the lives of the people, continue to…

Acción Humanista: Constituent Agreement must strengthen democracy

Public statement on the Constituent Agreement At a time when the bases of a new constituent process are being discussed, for humanists it is very important to reaffirm the democratic principle as the guiding principle to promote any agreement for…

COP15 communities and indigenous peoples must be at the center of discussions and negotiations and not “big money”

After a week of mostly glacial deliberations, are COP15 negotiators any closer to reaching agreement on a global plan to reverse biodiversity loss? According to World Wide Fund (WWW) officials, what happened in week one is not ambitious enough to…

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