

The Monroe Doctrine Is Thriving and Must Be Undone

A poorly maintained tradition begun with the Monroe Doctrine was that of supporting Latin American democracies. This was the popular tradition that sprinkled the U.S. landscape with monuments to Simón Bolívar, a man once treated in the United States as…

Conserving the one-horned rhinoceros: Assam’s way

Incidents of poaching related to rhinoceros in various forest reserves of Assam in northeast India have decreased drastically. Brutal laws against the poachers, strengthening of ground staff inside the protected forest areas, and increasing public awareness in the fringe localities…

Mendiola Massacre: A Journalist’s Account – Part 3

Never forget By Perfecto Caparas That evening after the massacre, Mat and I boarded a passenger jeepney and went to the office of a newspaper that published Mat’s photo in its front page the following morning. His photo captured one…

Civil disobedience to nuclear weapons, a long road ahead

22 January marks the second anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), ratified by 59 countries, including Spain, which, as is well known, does not have nuclear weapons. By Ovidio Bustillo…

Lies, Damn Lies, and Climate Change

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg is getting carried away. Literally. She joined thousands in the village of Lützerath, Germany, to oppose the expansion of an open-pit lignite mine, one of the dirtiest forms of coal. Police in riot gear hauled…

Humanist attitudes in the peoples of Mexico and the world

In this paper we will understand by people, the “different forms of historical communities (tribe, nation, etc.) (Silo, 2002:587) that emerge for “traditionalist motivations” (Poirier, 1992:8). By David Sámano In January 1994, the “Humanist Cultural Days” were held in Mexico,…

Right & Left to Join in D.C. Protest: “Not one more penny for war in Ukraine.”

February 19, New Anti-Interventionist Coalition To March To White House from Lincoln Memorial. By John V. Walsh On February 19, Washington, DC, will witness a protest against the war in Ukraine that marks a sharp departure from past demonstrations. The…

Mendiola Massacre: A Journalist’s Account – Part 2

“Diyos ko, ‘wag Mo ‘kong pabayaan. Maglilingkod pa ‘ko sa sambayanan!” (My God, don’t forsake me. I will still be serving the people!) Not even for a nanosecond did gunfire stop. As gunfire roared—while faced down on the pavement by…

The nonsense of the new year

I’ve started the year 2023 listening a lot, reading almost as much and writing a little less. But publishing nothing. Because the outlook was not right for it. So much to talk about, so much to listen to, so much…

New US nuclear weapons on European soil: a violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty

Since last December, the United States has begun to replace its nuclear weapons on European soil with more modern ones. It is replacing the B61-3, B61-4 and B61-7 thermonuclear bombs with the B61-12, which has become the main US and…

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