

Hope, self-motivation and selfless service: Civil Society Working Group 20 India 2023 opens its work in Amma Ashram

The inauguration ceremony of India’s Civil 20 (C20) year 2023 working group was held last January 16 in Kerala at Amritapuri, the Ashram of Mata Amritanandamayi, known to many simply as Amma (Translator’s note: Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is an Indian…

The Rules-Based International Order and the Foggy Bottom Blues

The four words “Rules-Based International Order” (RBIO) are surrounded by controversies.  I will review some controversies as a prelude to a proposal.  The proposal will recommend discarding the currently dominant discourses that are, as Michel Foucault might say, the historical…

Art Groups launch Poetry Anthology about Hope

Quezon City, Philippines–  “Hope is everywhere, and if hope has a name…it would be, everything”–this is the main concept of the book, Life After Dark: Messages of Hope, which had its physical book launch at Jess & Pat’s Cafe in…

Nonviolence as the only way

Nonviolence seems distant and agonizing in a historical situation where only Pope Francis makes appeals for peace. The war that we are most concerned about at this moment in history is the one being fought in Ukraine; by now the…

History to reflect on and not to memorise

The history classes of my school days bring back both good and bad memories. It clearly depended on who was responsible for teaching it in the classroom and how they did it. Looking back, I understood that the study of…

Chilean legislators protect multinationals and criminalise the needs of poor people

The imbalance in the balance of the law. These days we are observing the consequences of the actions of our legislators. Their total disconnection and disaffection with the situation that the poor people of the country live, prevents them from…

Bolivia Ministries form committee to address indigenous needs

Committee to address the needs of Bolivia’s indigenous peoples linked to the portfolios of Education, Health, Justice, Rural Development and Culture. A committee to implement public policies to meet the demands of indigenous communities was formed by five Bolivian ministries…

Fany Kuiru elected as COICA’s first woman coordinator

It is the first time in COICA’s 38-year history that a woman will preside over the organisation that represents more than 500 indigenous peoples from 9 Amazonian countries. Colombian indigenous leader Fany Kuiru Castro was unanimously elected as the new…

Belmarsh courts demand justice for Julian Assange

“The first casualty of war is truth,” said US Senator Hiram W. Johnson of California in 1929, during the debate on the ratification of the Kellogg-Briand pact, a noble but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to ban war. Reflecting on World War…

Petr Pavel becomes the fourth president of the Czech Republic

With 57% of the vote, former general Petr Pavel was elected President of the Czech Republic. A fortnight ago, the first round of the election, in which eight candidates contested, ended. On the ballot were Andrej Babiš, who served as…

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