

We have also been lied to about Ukraine

Published with permission of the author. Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo 2 February 2023 Covid, climate change and the war in Ukraine have two things in common. First, that our politicians defend foreign or supranational interests to the detriment of the…

The Highland Clearances and the Scottish Gaelic Renaissance

As the forces of uniformity, conformity and homogeneity spread inexorably towards a society in which everyone tends to look the same, eat the same thing, listen to the same music and receive the same sources of news and information, pushback…

Behold, the New GOP Culture Wars

The Republican Party’s latest wave of attacks against anyone who threatens the white supremacist patriarchy is couched in false concern for health and well-being. By Sonali Kolhatkar Republicans are resorting to their age-old tactic of manufactured moral outrage to distract…

Political earthquake in Kiev, Ukrainian leftist (banned) explains what’s happening

The wave of resignations and dismissals of senior Ukrainian officials is just the latest jolt in a broader political earthquake that is rocking Kiev. It began with the resignation of Oleksij Arestovych, one of President Volodymir Zelensky’s most prominent advisers,…

PSOE and French far right support Morocco in the European Parliament

The vote of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party in the European Parliament alongside the French extreme right is increasingly inexplicable from the point of view of human rights and ethics. A vote against freedom of information and expression in Morocco.…

Migrants trapped in the forests of northern Serbia: a look at reality

The “Balkan Route” opened in 2015 when thousands of refugees travelled through the Western Balkan states from Greece to reach the EU. In an unprecedented flight they crossed Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary and Croatia until the borders were closed in spring…

Brazil: Joenia Wapichana, first indigenous woman to chair Funai, takes office on Friday (3)

Joênia was the first indigenous woman in Brazil to practice law, and also the country’s first indigenous federal deputy. (Image by Agência Brasil) The National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (FUNAI) will be chaired by an indigenous person for the first…

Roger Waters Questioned in Depth About Ukraine, Russia, Israel, U.S.

By Berliner Zeitung, February 4, 2023 The original at the link above is in German. This translation was provided to World BEYOND War by Roger Waters. Roger Waters can rightly claim to be the mastermind behind Pink Floyd. He came up…

Face 2 Face with Randy Credico

In this show, we speak with Randy Credico, host of Live on the Fly: Assange  Countdown to Freedom on WBAI radio in NYC, about Julian Assange’s present situation and the future of the campaign for freedom.

Mónica Valente, secretaria ejecutiva Foro de Sao Paulo: “La integración sólo ocurrirá si los pueblos son los protagonistas”

Paralelamente a la VII Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños se formalizó la creación de la Celac Social, un espacio integrado por más de 300 organizaciones políticas, sociales y sindicales de América Latina y el Caribe, del…

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