

Tanzania – President Suluhu ends six-year ban on political rallies and promises more reforms

On 3 January, Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan announced that she had lifted the ban on political rallies imposed in 2016 by her predecessor, John Pombe Magufuli, with the main aim of cracking down on political dissent. The president’s announcement…

Pedagogical Encounter On the road to a humanising school management and pedagogical practice

Machala is a coastal city in the south of Ecuador, where an unusual educational event began today: “Pedagogical Encounter on the Road to a humanising school management and pedagogical practice”. Uncommon, not only because of its title, but also because…

The Arctic’s Iceless Upheaval

Anybody who closely follows global warming knows that the Arctic has been clobbered 2-3 times beyond the impact on the planet. And knowledgeable sources also know that what happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic. After all, for…

Can Europe Survive This Moment?

A new-old ghost is hovering over Europe—war. The most violent continent in the world in terms of the number of deaths caused by warfare during the last 100 years (not to go back any further and include the deaths suffered…

“I’m going to Washington to contribute to a political project that we have been waiting for years”, Fernando García Naddaf

We interviewed the new Press and Cultural Attaché of the Chilean Embassy in the United States, Fernando García Naddaf, activist of Acción Humanista, teacher, Pressenza collaborator and great friend. Pressenza: Tell us Fernando about your new appointment? Fernando García: I…

In the face of rising warmongering, there is no room for waiting or despondency.

While the world seems to be heading towards a sharp economic slowdown, close to recessionary indicators, the arms industry is not slowing down its growth. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, global military spending set a new record…

Irina Karamanos: the institutional unanchoring of the role of First Lady has to do with democratic values (Part 1)

We talked to Irina Karamanos about the purpose that led her to deconstruct the institutional anchoring of the role of First Lady. We also anticipate the reflections that will take place at the International Feminist Meeting, to be held in…

Saturday 11 February: dozens of events for the Global Carnival for Assange

Preparations are in full swing for the events that will animate the squares of many cities on Saturday 11 February. The Night Carnival for Assange launched in London by the Don’t Extradite Assange has been joined by many similar initiatives…

ARD’s Fact Finder, genetic engineering and Vandana Shiva

Those who buy “organic” do so in order to obtain food and products that are free of genetic engineering and pesticides and that have also been produced in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way. The organic market has grown…

Rage Against the War Machine on February 19

On February 19 in Washington D.C., a major rally and march will bring forth the following demands. Sister events listed on the website at are being planned in Montpelier, Sacramento, Fresno, Ann Arbor, Los Angeles, Tacoma, Santa Cruz,…

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