

Toxic Watchdog Group to Store Owners: Pull-Out Banned Skin Lightening Products on Shelves

Toxic watchdog group BAN Toxics raises the alarm on the continuous selling of banned/prohibited Skin Lightening Products (SLPs) despite the public health warning issued by the Food and Drug Administration since 2017.  In a recent market monitoring activity conducted by…

Highlights of the 2023 World Council for Curriculum and Instruction: Philippine Chapter National Convention, Part 1

“Education saves and transforms lives, it is the bedrock of sustainability. We must work together across all development areas to make it a universal right.” – UNESCO Dir. Gen. Irina Bokova After three years of social distancing and online forums, the World…

Biodiversity loss, the sixth great extinction and the need for action

Susan Price of the Green Left talks with Canadian ecosocialist Marc Bonhomme about the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15), held in Montreal from 7 to 19 December 2022. By Susan Price (S. P.): COP15 in Montreal has received much…

Pure balloon (ufologists refrain)

After the overblown reactions of the highest US authorities to the overflight of a Chinese hot air balloon, which Beijing claims was a weather observation balloon and which Washington claims was spying, the government headed by Joe Biden has been…

“Then the borders would be open for humanitarian aid”

The suffering that has befallen them is unbearable. Yet, in the rubble, next to the corpses that are still buried under the ruins, with nothing to eat or drink, the victims of the earthquake in Syria will have to endure…

SOS Humanity: The new Italian law about search and rescue operations violates international and European law

Today, the Parliament in Italy voted to turn the Italian government’s decree of 2 January into law, despite criticism that these new regulations breach international and European law. SOS Humanity’s Advocacy Officer Mirka Schäfer comments:  “Since early January 2023, non-governmental search and rescue has been…

Ballooning Rhetoric: Aliens, Escalation and Airborne Surveillance

Things are getting rather bizarre at the US Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).  Its increasingly prominent commanding chief, one General Glen VanHerck, has abandoned any initial sense of frankness in discussing the destruction of an…

Escazú Agreement – the Legislative Assembly’s shelving of a landmark regional treaty adopted in Costa Rica in 2018 under its leadership

On 1st February last, the Costa Rican Legislative Assembly decided not to keep the file on the Escazu Agreement, which had been submitted to it in February 2019 (see, among many news cables, this cable from the EFE news agency…

Myanmar, Bangladesh needs to pursue ‘Rohingya diplomacy’

Along with the much-needed support from the international organization, the Bangladesh government has been managing the large Rohingya influx but has yet to repatriate them to Myanmar, due to the reluctance and non-cooperation of Myanmar counterpart. In this matter, the…

Harnessing the enormous untapped power of celebrity to help social movements

Building on the long legacy of activist entertainers, here are five ways movements for justice and famous supporters can partner to promote change. By Paul Engler Today there exist significant numbers of celebrities with progressive politics and a desire to…

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