

Nations’ Governments Need Unarmed Defense Plans

It’s quite a high hurdle to appeal to a country that’s been militarily invaded — after decades of military defense (and offense) preparations and the accompanying cultural indoctrination in the supposed necessity of military defense — to appeal to said…

Pax Christi: Statement on the First Anniversary of the War in Ukraine

“Let us look at all those civilians whose killing was considered ‘collateral damage.’ Let us ask the victims themselves. Let us think of the refugees and displaced… the mothers who lost their children, and the boys and girls maimed or…

Care and its field of co-presence – I thought that…

From the Humanist Health News Network REHUNO Health we are launching a place of exchange where we find a new look at daily life based on experiential and existential psychology (the Psychology of New Humanism), and which gives some concrete…

Questions to Sabine Rubin, former MP for France Insoumise party

In 2022, the French elected the President of the Republic and then the deputies of the National Assembly. In the last presidential and legislative elections, the abstention rate increased. However, the French are preoccupied about the future of their society:…

Conversation on social justice

At its 62nd session in November 2007, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 20 February as the World Day of Social Justice. Today, 18 February, we preview its analysis and discussion with our guests. The UN Secretary General who, in…

The boundaries of ambiguities

The crime of sexual harassment is one of the most underhand and perverse forms of aggression. These days, Spain is debating the modification of the Law of Integral Guarantee of Sexual Freedom, known as the “only yes is yes” law,…

Scientist Rebellion co-founders not guilty of the group’s first action at the Royal Society

Crown court jury finds Scientist Rebellion co-founders Mike Lynch-White and Dr. Tim Hewlett not guilty of criminal damage for their non-violent September 2020 protest action at the Royal Society in London. The action – which saw paint daubed over the…

“No one can deny that agribusiness damages health, generates illness and death”.

An investigation in eight fumigated villages in Santa Fe, involving 27,000 people, confirmed the link between agrotoxins and cancer. Young people in these towns are 2.5 per cent more likely to get cancer than those living far from areas with…

NASA reveals images of “extremely elongated” asteroid

The object passed close to Earth and its surface appears pitch black. NASA’s Goldstone radar used to investigate objects in the solar system, captured in detail one of the most elongated asteroids ever photographed, the US space agency said on…

Scientists warn – “Glacier at the end of the world” is melting

Antarctica’s so-called “glacier at the end of the world” is melting. A group of scientists warned that Antarctica’s so-called “glacier at the end of the world” is unexpectedly melting rapidly. In two studies published Wednesday in the journal Nature, the…

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